Message from @Sir Harndes
Discord ID: 603448578622619669
I understand that the american army is different, but i would still do my military service again.
To me it was a fun experience
The only thing i don't miss is eating at light speed and then exercise right after
Because i went with a squad of dumb teenagers that liked guns and had nothing better yo do
The first time we got our rifles they felt heavy as shit
They gave us fals
But at the end wasnt that bad, at least when just marching around
And at luch they gave us 20min yo rest and everyone went to the store to watch novelas
Man, i miss those times
Our lieutenant named us "delta squad" (after some famous specops unit here) because right after they handed each of us our rifles, some retard pulled the charging handle (but didn't load it) and we heard the noise and turn to see him point the rilfe at his friend. Of course they got yelled at and smoked. The name stayed with us for the rest of the year
@Sir Harndes that is a question to ask at the embassy or consulate in Brazil
Yeah, googled it
And that's what I'll do
I've been there before
Good man
Also I'll see about that service yadda yadda shit
There ya go
2 birds with 1 shot
Sorry I can’t be more helpful
You're not an embassador lol
Lol I do what I can
Bunch of you guys are super young
Knowing that Im not going to be arrested is good to me
I turn 30 in a month
Lol yeah they’re not going to come for you and throw you in jail
But If i go to US, yeah
However, if you go to enlist you can’t enlist without being registered in the selective service program
Or worse, lose my us citizenship
And there’s some other things not registering prevents you from doing but that’s an easy google search that you can do
That I searched
Student loans and all
You’re not going to lose your citizenship my man. You’re an American. And we don’t just yank citizenship from people.
I'm naive in some things
You’re 19
I lived more in Brazil then US
Your brain is still developing and growing
Still a bit worried, but more calm
Thanks folk
I owe you a crate of beer