Message from @Foxhound

Discord ID: 606244729956335651

2019-07-31 21:38:21 UTC  

Hopefully no one lol

2019-07-31 21:39:23 UTC  

Explain? I'm just trying to see it from the other side.

2019-07-31 21:40:25 UTC  

Not baiting for political bullshit btw.

2019-07-31 21:41:01 UTC  

Not pro or anti

2019-07-31 21:41:25 UTC  

Not only are they not a legitimate state, they meddle in every single act of subversion in modern history, wether it be, social,political or economicalr

2019-07-31 21:42:07 UTC  

If you are pro israel / sionist you are actively supporting those who literally think of you as a disposable slave

2019-07-31 21:42:47 UTC  

There is a reason why they have been kicked out of 109 countries

2019-07-31 21:43:37 UTC  

Ok. Thanks!

2019-07-31 21:44:51 UTC  

I don't see it that way. But I appreciate the input @Dr Meme

2019-07-31 21:52:26 UTC  

I know that it sounds like a tin foil hat type conspiracy theory, but if there is a mayor event in a western country's history odds are Israel is involved.

2019-07-31 21:54:48 UTC  

An example in my country is that just this last week a Mossad agent was killed by drug dealers in a public plaza in the middle of a war between drug cartels and the government, and a week before that the president met with Israel representatives and the jewish community yo discuss the aid of illegal immigrants and "security matters"

2019-07-31 21:55:32 UTC  

>Not a legitimate state
>Continuously murders people of other nations
>No loyalty to any state but Israel
>Kicked out of 109 countries
>Actively campaigns for immigration and border reform in western countries: yet keeps theirs closed
>Maintains the same kind of camps they claim killed "6 million" of them
>Owns the majority of media sources
>Constant victim carding
>No respect for other cultures
>Literal money pit
>Treats American soldiers like cannon fodder
>Purpoeslt agitates the entire middle east
>Contributes nothing to global security
>Continuous meddling in socio-economic actions
>Shows no respect for any other nations borders or territory, nor their right to independence without interference
>Shows no respect for tragedies of other nations (I.e. the dumb fucking (((Juice))) that decided to write how terrible Chernobyl was for the jews)
>Did I mention constant victim playing?

2019-07-31 21:55:32 UTC  

In the us is more obvious

2019-07-31 21:55:37 UTC  

Ah okay your stance makes more sense now.

2019-07-31 21:55:50 UTC  

>Not a legitimate state
>Continuously murders people of other nations
>No loyalty to any state but Israel
>Kicked out of 109 countries
>Actively campaigns for immigration and border reform in western countries: yet keeps theirs closed
>Maintains the same kind of camps they claim killed "6 million" of them
>Owns the majority of media sources
>Constant victim carding
>No respect for other cultures
>Literal money pit
>Treats American soldiers like cannon fodder
>Purpoeslt agitates the entire middle east
>Contributes nothing to global security
>Continuous meddling in socio-economic actions
>Shows no respect for any other nations borders or territory, nor their right to independence without interference
>Shows no respect for tragedies of other nations (I.e. the dumb fucking (((Juice))) that decided to write how terrible Chernobyl was for the jews)
>Did I mention constant victim playing?

2019-07-31 21:55:52 UTC  

In the us is more obvious

2019-07-31 21:56:07 UTC  

If you're pro Israel you're an enemy of free people everywhere.

2019-07-31 21:56:38 UTC  


2019-07-31 21:57:29 UTC  

The us is pretty much run by an israelite plutocracy

2019-07-31 21:58:04 UTC  


2019-07-31 22:00:07 UTC

2019-07-31 22:01:37 UTC  

Dont leave me in suspense whats that name

2019-07-31 22:02:39 UTC  

When you put words in parenthesis it's an "eco" and it means that said thing is jewish or related

2019-07-31 22:03:11 UTC  

(((They))) consider anyone a slave

2019-07-31 22:03:15 UTC  

Zionists and their ilk are the complete enemies of freedom and liberty

2019-07-31 22:03:17 UTC  

Interesting take guys. I appreciate yalls input. Just tryna see it from the other side

2019-07-31 22:03:23 UTC  

Kinda like that

2019-07-31 22:03:29 UTC  

"Other side"

2019-07-31 22:03:43 UTC  

Aka people who aren't blinded by lies and subterfuge

2019-07-31 22:04:07 UTC  


2019-07-31 22:04:45 UTC  

One hundred and nine countries. There are 195 countries in the world. More than half have ejected (((them))) from within. That should he reason enough to question.

2019-07-31 22:04:57 UTC  

(((I see)))

2019-07-31 22:06:18 UTC

2019-07-31 22:06:28 UTC  

Just trying to get a take on the broader perspective since the other end that i'm looking for is a bunch of liberal mess blowing it out to be something different. Thank's guys.

2019-07-31 22:07:01 UTC  

Lmao who you calling liberal, chum?

2019-07-31 22:07:13 UTC  

Not calling anyone liberal

2019-07-31 22:07:26 UTC  

For (((them))) we are not more than slaves that look human, they believe we are wortheless (call us goyim) and they can do whatever they want with everyone else

2019-07-31 22:08:06 UTC  

Better run home to watch (((their))) shows with the wife and pay (((them))) their owed shekels

2019-07-31 22:08:26 UTC  

And the thing is that both the mainstream right and left adore them and defend them

2019-07-31 22:08:31 UTC  

Reasons why I asked for an opinion is because all I see on the internet that isn't pro israel is a bunch of the far left college kids blowing shit out of proportion and can't make a valid arguement. Reasons why I facilitated the question the way that I did

2019-07-31 22:08:57 UTC  

"Blowing shit out of proportion"