Message from @legendaryflea5
Discord ID: 608485192977350656
@legendaryflea5 THAT NO WINE COOLER ITS A CLAW and THE C L A W is the L A W
Ill tak my corona
Thats all i really like
try a claw man
I found out I made it into a patriot wave post
I’m famous
Which one
Can we secure a boa-fang radio channel
we need to lol
Imma pick one up there only 20 bucks
What's the deal with these things
There getting banned
Because they are a chinese radio that blasts at 5 watts without a marz cap. Dats against Ef Cee Cee
What's the range
5 watt isnt much. But there are a few factors that affect range.
Terrain, objects, environment
I wanna do like 500 miles hahahaha
Youd need a base station hamm set up to something like that.
Cool ok
Not hard to research. Lots of people do it.
To me, theres enough como guys out there that i know that i dont worry about it lol
This needs some edits
Whoever said drink Coors like a real man
Fuck that
Drink something better. Like bleach, vodka, or JD
Coors is for popes
Pbr is for poors
It’s all shit beer
Unless it’s free