Message from @wendiko
Discord ID: 615932584941060098
And theve recently becmgan reinstating 2a rights
I dont use autocorrect.
Again as I said. I have no issue with the average Russian
but non-commie ruskies are the ones I like
I wish i couldve met some russians.
Damn you nato
UN and Nato can suck hard balls.
they are trying to influence the American people to give up oue rights
fuck them
Duh. Because thats the hive of filth
Hydra right in front of you
Just start photoshopping the hydra logo on all un shit
jk jj 🤣
Shit put it on cops uniforms and shit
Normies basically only have the capacity to understand memes
Agreed, fuck the feds and fuck the police
unconstitutional laws are not laws
and all gun/ammo/accessory/weapons laws are infringements
If you have a problem with Nazi's I politely but firmly invite you to get bent
Secondly I find people that wear shirts or symbols for groups they have nothing to do with utter degenerates.
You have no right to rep that symbol.
@Foxhound I actually sorta agree with this
I can agree with the not wearing shit you didnt earn.
Unless it's that stolen valor crap
I wear camo based on my environment, that doesn't mean I'm pretending to be "big military tough guy"
Camo is camo, when people wear patches and claim insignia..
Sooo dusty
I wear patches, but only morale patches
memes and shit
Rank bro
Moral patches are moral patches