Message from @насильственное убийство
Discord ID: 617384407442915375
Besides, I need more experience in autos so I can better work on my truck
me and my cousin basically did the wiring ourselves but.... Well... diy isn't exactly a good idea if ya don't know what yer doing
Now the radio, ac, and heater Don't work lol. But hey, the windows and lights do so we're good sorta
At first I git it backwards tho, the turn sugnals were all fucked, but then I figured out which ones were which
YouTube is a lifesaver loo
@насильственное убийство go call up some shops and ask if they need any basic help because you want to start getting into the trade
@Trash Squid you have WW3? I do too!
@насильственное убийство we could probs help with de wires
@wendiko Sounds good bro, lol. Reason why was because we have it a new engine and tranny, thebold one shit the bucket
None of us knew what we were doing, so we just followed youtube tutorials as best we could
Also found a dead rat basically melted to a fuckin'cluster of wires, which is why we had to replace everything
Philosophical debate time:
If you are strong, do you have the right to take from the weak?
but as the strong, you have an obligation to teach the weak to be strong
power in numbers brother. why have a small number of stonks amd heards of weak when you can teach and bring up the next generation to be better that you/we are/were
Buuuut that's just me being stupidly "philosophical"
Aka, I don't know jack shit about anything.
You have no obligation to teach the weak. That's the mindset that put America where it is today. Teach you own people to be strong and fuck everyone else.
Ill agree to disagree. Teach those who are willing to be taught. Cull the rot
@wendiko There it is. More agreeable to what I waid earlier
I'm not as sober as I usually am
I hate drinking
but I dislike the feeling of being high even more that and the smell of weed bothers me on a subconscious level, same with tobacco
Not that I'm against people doing it, just. not around me
Eliminate the weak by teaching the weak to be strong
Skål, brother
It's spicer than how I made it last time. But also has mango flavor from the puree that I filtered out
I made four, 2-liter bottles last time but rhis time I only made one
Drinking it in less than a week while I work on my property
it's good once ya put it in the freezer over night