Message from @bobthebuilder69

Discord ID: 661343695290761244

2019-12-30 23:00:14 UTC  

Its a legally sanctioned execution

2019-12-30 23:00:53 UTC  

if we had a uk referendum on it i expect it would win

2019-12-30 23:01:02 UTC  

Course it would

2019-12-30 23:01:02 UTC  

if you are going to have capital punishment and not carry it out for murder what do you use it for lol

2019-12-30 23:01:16 UTC  

I personally wouldn't call the death penalty for murder tbh

2019-12-30 23:01:20 UTC  

It’s not murder because the law says it’s ok?

2019-12-30 23:01:21 UTC  

There are crimes far worse

2019-12-30 23:01:27 UTC  

though murder is permanent

2019-12-30 23:01:31 UTC  

i would estimate 60/40 split

2019-12-30 23:01:53 UTC  

My post from earlier;

2019-12-30 23:01:54 UTC  

I think the best solution is: non violent non repeat crimes= rehab, repeat non violent crimes= prison (3 strikes), violent crimes= prison, repeat violent crime= prison to life sentence, crimes designed to cause undue suffering (rape, pedophila, terrorism, torture)= death penalty
Also legalise prostitution, drugs, and gun ownership
I don't want plant smokers in prison, I want violent pricks in prison

2019-12-30 23:02:08 UTC  

You know the holocaust was a legally sanctioned execution

2019-12-30 23:02:15 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:02:19 UTC  

Thats the argument you want to make

2019-12-30 23:02:25 UTC  

Godwins law bois <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-30 23:02:43 UTC  

I just mean the state being able to kill people could end badly

2019-12-30 23:03:07 UTC  

Are you implying the UK is fascist or likely to jump up and down on the fascist hill 🤔

2019-12-30 23:03:15 UTC  

Keep in mind we are saying criminals

2019-12-30 23:03:16 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:03:20 UTC  

That are beyond reasonable doubt

2019-12-30 23:03:44 UTC  

It’s not impossible for the uk to become fascist in the future though

2019-12-30 23:03:51 UTC  

In however distant future you want

2019-12-30 23:04:20 UTC  

So because the UK might hypothetically become a dystopian nightmare in 100 years time we shouldn't execute pedophiles here and now 🤔

2019-12-30 23:04:26 UTC  

it'll probably turn fascist through the authoritarian left if people dont grow out of identity politics and restriction of speech

2019-12-30 23:05:03 UTC  

I mean letting them rot in cells isn’t to light of a compromise

2019-12-30 23:05:57 UTC  

No it is because what you are saying is at a certain point you can do whatever evil you want because you r punishment will only ever be life in jail

2019-12-30 23:06:01 UTC  

did you just misgender me? death it is<:coolgon:549370575701803019>

2019-12-30 23:06:20 UTC  

If your a bank robber you might as well rape the hostages, because you wont face an additional time due to facing a life imprisonment anyway 🤔

2019-12-30 23:06:42 UTC  

Like I said I just wouldn’t like the principle of the state being able to put citizens to death, and if there’s a possibility you’re killing innocent people that’s bad

2019-12-30 23:06:42 UTC  

Should the person that kills the innocent person get the death penalty?

2019-12-30 23:06:42 UTC  

Life in jail is worse then getting shot after a week

2019-12-30 23:07:13 UTC  

In the NHS there is a possibility you might die on the operating table, should the NHS stop operating?

2019-12-30 23:07:24 UTC  

Because it might go wrong

2019-12-30 23:07:27 UTC  

That’s not murder that’s you naturally dying

2019-12-30 23:07:30 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:07:32 UTC  


2019-12-30 23:07:34 UTC  

Read that wrong

2019-12-30 23:07:57 UTC  

So in that case that would be an accident

2019-12-30 23:08:21 UTC  

That is not the question

2019-12-30 23:08:44 UTC  

And there should be as much safety measures and as much training as possible to stop dying at the operating table

2019-12-30 23:08:46 UTC  

99.9% chance that it will go completely right, but there is a 0.1% chance it goes wrong, do you take those odds?