Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 659242488950685737
are we shifting this to bondage?
is this whats happening right now?
amazon doesn't need ropes <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>
but what if they likes the ropes?
they who?
the amazon
you can like bondage and not need to use it ya know
nah, she doesn't need ropes to keep a hold of the puny city straight gurl
Lesbian seduces straight daughter
where does the daughter part come into that one
the meek straight girl is the big-tiddy amazon lesbian's daughter
i swear i should go down and help with the boogaloo if it actually kicks off
but thats a horse not a reindeer
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck wanky idiot
@MalinaKlaar Only with you 😘
Merry Christmas MOFOS.
@Gservator IS THAT eDDIES MOM?
Marry Christmas
merry christmas
not very gothy
something something big titty goth girl
Have food ?
doggo need steak
@MalinaKlaar Send tits or GTFO
boobs or trap confirmed
No, YOUR tits
She already sent me her tits
Night night pervs