Message from @Goddess Tyche

Discord ID: 660770296952782848

2019-12-29 08:36:59 UTC

2019-12-29 08:50:39 UTC  

Nuke u.k When ?

2019-12-29 08:56:24 UTC  

That poor child.

2019-12-29 08:58:56 UTC  

This is a @Goddess Tyche meme. A meme about @Goddess Tyche. A Tuxnmeme. The coward who lives on his knees and sucks off despots.

Russia didn’t invade Ukraine. Russian-provided Soviet chemical bombs weren’t used against men, women, and children in Syria. The world lines up to allow Russia to dictate how much oil they’re allowed to sell, voluntarily, to support themselves and Socialist regimes. Russia didn’t invade Georgia. Russia isn’t planning on invading Belarus. Clinton. Libya. Globalist cucks. State-planning good, freedom bad. NATO is a waste of time. Liberty is for culture cucks. Soros. Jews. Chad Slavs. Owning property is autocratic, instead the State should own everything through the collective. Freedom is slavery. They deserved Grozny. UK Intelligence services tried to kill the Skripals, framed Russia. Nemtsov shot himself. Western imperialism. Saddam good. Hitler did nothing wrong. USS Liberty. Remove Kebab. US created Al-Qaeda. Seth Rich = Clinton and Soros. Comet Ping-pong cheese pizza and diapers. Michelle Obama’s real name is Michael Obama, see his shoulders = tranny. North Korea is just defending themselves against western imperialism. Iran didn’t kill tens of thousands of protesters. The US controls Iraqi government, not Iran. Immigration. US is responsible for the immigration crisis, not total-state ideologues gassing people, because they enjoy breathing in chlorine gas and watching their children die. Russia isn’t in Syria. You’re just subservient to the Jews, not freedom. 9/11 was orchestrated by the CIA, not the FSB-backed and trained Al-Q affiliates. Moscow apartment bombings of the 90s weren’t orchestrated by KGB, but Chechens and CIA. Castro didn’t do anything wrong. JFK was assassinated by the CIA, not the KGB. The United States, despite their economy so large oil exports barely represent a percentage point of GNP, they’re the ones who need to

2019-12-29 08:58:57 UTC  

steal oil and control it, despite 90% of the Russian economy supported by oil production and exports. The U.S. has spent too much to steal from people. QAnon, lul. Information warfare is fake news, lul. Epstein didn’t kill himself, but it was instead Soros and the Clintons, lul.

2019-12-29 08:59:11 UTC

2019-12-29 08:59:32 UTC  

inb4 cringe mutt react

2019-12-29 09:00:24 UTC  
2019-12-29 09:00:55 UTC

2019-12-29 09:00:55 UTC  

This is a Jeremy meme. A meme about Jeremy. A Jerememe. The libtard.

Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. This is a Jeremy meme. This is a Jeremy meme. A Jerememe. A meme about Jeremy. A meme about Jeremy. This is a Jeremy meme, a lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. A Jerememe. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. The libtard. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. This is a Jeremy meme. This is a Jeremy meme. A Jerememe. A meme about Jeremy. A meme about Jeremy. This is a Jeremy meme, a lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. A Jerememe. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. The libtard. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. This is a Jeremy meme. This is a Jeremy meme. A Jerememe. A meme about Jeremy. A meme about Jeremy. This is a Jeremy meme, a lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. A Jerememe. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. The libtard. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. This is a Jeremy meme. This is a Jeremy meme. A Jerememe. A meme about Jeremy. A meme about Jeremy. This is a Jeremy meme, a lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. A Jerememe. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. The libtard. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. This is a Jeremy meme. This is a Jeremy meme. A Jerememe. A meme about Jeremy. A meme about Jeremy. This is a Jeremy meme, a lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. A Jerememe. Lorem ipsum meme about Jeremy the libtard. The libtard.

2019-12-29 09:01:04 UTC  

TL;DR Jeremy retarded

2019-12-29 09:01:10 UTC  

This is a @Goddess Tyche meme. A meme about @Goddess Tyche. A Tuxnmeme. The coward who lives on his knees and sucks off despots.

Russia didn’t invade Ukraine. Russian-provided Soviet chemical bombs weren’t used against men, women, and children in Syria. The world lines up to allow Russia to dictate how much oil they’re allowed to sell, voluntarily, to support themselves and Socialist regimes. Russia didn’t invade Georgia. Russia isn’t planning on invading Belarus. Clinton. Libya. Globalist cucks. State-planning good, freedom bad. NATO is a waste of time. Liberty is for culture cucks. Soros. Jews. Chad Slavs. Owning property is autocratic, instead the State should own everything through the collective. Freedom is slavery. They deserved Grozny. UK Intelligence services tried to kill the Skripals, framed Russia. Nemtsov shot himself. Western imperialism. Saddam good. Hitler did nothing wrong. USS Liberty. Remove Kebab. US created Al-Qaeda. Seth Rich = Clinton and Soros. Comet Ping-pong cheese pizza and diapers. Michelle Obama’s real name is Michael Obama, see his shoulders = tranny. North Korea is just defending themselves against western imperialism. Iran didn’t kill tens of thousands of protesters. The US controls Iraqi government, not Iran. Immigration. US is responsible for the immigration crisis, not total-state ideologues gassing people, because they enjoy breathing in chlorine gas and watching their children die. Russia isn’t in Syria. You’re just subservient to the Jews, not freedom. 9/11 was orchestrated by the CIA, not the FSB-backed and trained Al-Q affiliates. Moscow apartment bombings of the 90s weren’t orchestrated by KGB, but Chechens and CIA. Castro didn’t do anything wrong. JFK was assassinated by the CIA, not the KGB. The United States, despite their economy so large oil exports barely represent a percentage point of GNP, they’re the

2019-12-29 09:01:11 UTC  

ones who need to
steal oil and control it, despite 90% of the Russian economy supported by oil production and exports. The U.S. has spent too much to steal from people. QAnon, lul. Information warfare is fake news, lul. Epstein didn’t kill himself, but it was instead Soros and the Clintons, lul.

2019-12-29 09:01:12 UTC

2019-12-29 09:02:13 UTC  

There is a plus side to communism, pricks like Jeremy get yeeted.

2019-12-29 09:02:38 UTC  

All I needed to hear, comrade

2019-12-29 09:03:45 UTC

2019-12-29 09:04:07 UTC  

> The coward who lives on his knees and sucks off despots.

I'm not the one seeking to make money by destroying the culture only to then give it to Israel.

2019-12-29 09:04:53 UTC

2019-12-29 09:05:15 UTC  

You're pretty woke, though, Jeremy, NGL

2019-12-29 09:06:02 UTC  

" 'The coward who lives on his knees and sucks off despots.'

I'm not the one seeking to make money by destroying the culture only to then give it to Israel."

I'm not the one dictating to people they must adhere to the culture, claiming the State has the right to organize all matters of social and economic life, while killing millions of people.

2019-12-29 09:06:50 UTC  

"Liberty is for corporate-culture cucks, though."

2019-12-29 09:06:56 UTC  


2019-12-29 09:06:59 UTC  


2019-12-29 09:07:29 UTC  

Go back to 4chan, you fucking sock-puppet.

2019-12-29 09:07:40 UTC  

Liberty is fine. I have no beef with liberty. I have beef with people who undermine my liberty to live a normal life by destroying culture.

2019-12-29 09:07:46 UTC  

Get the fuck out of this server. You know Carl Benjamin is a Classical Liberal, yeah?

2019-12-29 09:07:56 UTC  

The fuck are you doing here anyway, ideologue?

2019-12-29 09:08:10 UTC  

The fuck are YOU doing here anyway, ideologue?

2019-12-29 09:08:15 UTC

2019-12-29 09:08:20 UTC  

I dont' know why you faggots aren't just kissing already

2019-12-29 09:08:51 UTC  

Kiss Jeremy? Sure. Need to find the poison to put in my lip balm first.

2019-12-29 09:08:52 UTC  

He's only gay for Putin, not Kasparov.

2019-12-29 09:09:02 UTC  


2019-12-29 09:10:13 UTC  

> Get the fuck out of this server.

Fucking totalitarian twat.

2019-12-29 09:10:27 UTC  

Freedom of association, bitch!

2019-12-29 09:15:49 UTC

2019-12-29 09:16:01 UTC

2019-12-29 09:17:41 UTC  

So, hi

2019-12-29 09:17:56 UTC  

How are you guys doing?