Message from @I am dead inside

Discord ID: 652596283936079872

2019-12-06 16:07:51 UTC  

Should I say social capitalism?

2019-12-06 16:07:53 UTC  

I really hate communists who hyjack syndicalism and bastardize it in their own failed socialist utopia version

2019-12-06 16:08:39 UTC  

The reason I hate economics people is that they turn their economic theories into religions

2019-12-06 16:08:45 UTC  

a syndicated will first and foremost protect your right as a worker, be it burger flipper to aero-space engineer

2019-12-06 16:09:02 UTC  

Not just doctrines to create wealth production

2019-12-06 16:09:12 UTC  

your right to work 8 or 7 hours a day 5 days a week and NO MORE ( unless ofcourse you volunteer for overtime )

2019-12-06 16:09:12 UTC  

I think Hoppen understands this too

2019-12-06 16:09:24 UTC  

healthcare, vacation days, paid sick days, etc

2019-12-06 16:09:48 UTC  

union culture already exists to protect the workers

2019-12-06 16:09:55 UTC  

but communists don't want people to know that

2019-12-06 16:10:00 UTC  

America has enough wealth to have these things, it’s just that we import millions of people to replace them

2019-12-06 16:10:05 UTC  

and young children don't know their rights as workers across the world

2019-12-06 16:10:09 UTC  

So big corporations keep their money

2019-12-06 16:10:16 UTC  

so they fall into the trap of communism instead of syndicalizing

2019-12-06 16:10:38 UTC  

@Windleaf hey man, very interesting, I’ll look into more but rn I gotta go

2019-12-06 16:10:44 UTC  

Class is starting

2019-12-06 16:10:47 UTC  

no problem buddy

2019-12-06 16:10:54 UTC  

good luck

2019-12-06 18:05:10 UTC  

Great video contemplating on the functional definitions of the political terms "Left" and "Right"

2019-12-06 19:44:38 UTC  

Alt hype?

2019-12-06 20:00:40 UTC  

Probably. Looks like him.

2019-12-06 20:03:11 UTC  

There probably aren't that many look-alikes within nazidom. (And Ford doesn't link non-nazis, except that one (1) time he linked Tucker Carlson.)

2019-12-06 20:03:58 UTC  

He thinks that non-nazis care about nazi view of left and right, and nazi view of why word "racism" should not be given power.

2019-12-06 20:07:05 UTC  

And there are much more widely applicable reasons to not fixate of left-right spectrum, and why word "racism" should not be given power (i.e staying in the offense, not losing momentum) that benefit all who do activism or debates. Alt-Rights reasons for both of them are obviously utterly unusable to those outside of ethnospergery, as most people facing the nonsensical accusation of "racism" just want to get around the topic as wasting time debunking it will only feed more accusations, where as Alt-Rights want to actually normalize it and make it a virtue.

2019-12-06 20:07:43 UTC  

99% of populace cannot benefit of Alt-Hype's advice.

2019-12-06 21:11:07 UTC

2019-12-06 21:17:45 UTC  

That comment is just a big ad hominem

2019-12-06 21:19:28 UTC  

@whiic ok big brain, what’s your opinion on what power racism should get and your idea of left and right? Why don’t you make your own YT channel instead of bitching

2019-12-06 21:19:58 UTC  

Deadass, one of your arguments against ethnonationalism was that “blacks would get their own state” lmfao

2019-12-06 21:24:26 UTC  
2019-12-06 21:30:54 UTC  
2019-12-06 21:54:15 UTC  

Diversity can be a strength if applied in small enough quantities.

2019-12-06 22:16:08 UTC  

the basic thing is that with diverse groups of people, there are different perspectives on certain issues which drives discussion. If you're in a sport team of some sort, you dont want all the players to be goalkeepers/batters/quarterbacks. Same can be applied to things like science, where a Historian might find a hint to a certain location, corroborates with a geologist to find out if the type of stone in the area was fertile for living, pass it to an Archeologist that digs stuff up, passes it to an Anthropologist, who passes it to a Biologist, which gives questions to Philosophers and Theologians which figure out Why's and extract information, which passes onto the general people as information, which informs politics

2019-12-06 22:16:35 UTC  

Common goal does make a stronger faggot.

2019-12-06 22:16:46 UTC  

I just think it's weird how some people think "race = goal".

2019-12-06 22:16:58 UTC  

or an easier example is that in the UK we have a good amount of indian doctors and theyre pretty good ones

2019-12-06 22:17:11 UTC  

As if Antifa and Alt-Right are stronger together than separate.

2019-12-06 22:17:18 UTC  

Both being 99% white.

2019-12-06 22:18:27 UTC  

theres also the phrase of putting all your eggs in one basket. where if you drop the basket or an egg is rotten and makes the other eggs useless, you ruin everything

2019-12-06 22:19:30 UTC  

shockingly it doesnt seem like a great idea to sprinkle Exlax on a cake saying 'diversity is our strength'