Message from @JaceRex

Discord ID: 658128979147882536

2019-12-22 01:16:57 UTC  

What we're really interested in is the g factor

2019-12-22 01:17:41 UTC  

g can be roughly said to be the "innate problem solving ability" of a person, which is the underlying basis for "intelligence"

2019-12-22 01:17:52 UTC  

Different subtests of the IQ test have different g loadings, as illustrated in the following

2019-12-22 01:17:59 UTC

2019-12-22 01:18:23 UTC  

A test with higher g loading correlates with other test taking ability in a cognitively complex task. For instance, if you score high on, say, backward digit span, you are more likely to score high on another test with a high g loading etc.

2019-12-22 01:20:27 UTC  

Whereas tests with lower g loading are more malleable

2019-12-22 01:22:43 UTC  

This is why it is significant that the lowering of IQ scores is genotypic, since that means if you placed people from 1890s USA and raised them from birth in today's environment, they'dd have a 14 point higher IQ, on average, than today's people

2019-12-22 01:23:25 UTC  

The above rise in IQ is mainly in subtests with high g loading

2019-12-22 01:23:41 UTC  

While the nominal rise in IQ from Flynn Effect is in subtests with low g loading

2019-12-22 01:27:34 UTC

2019-12-22 01:28:10 UTC  

A while ago, Nassim Taleb tried to half heatedly attack IQ tests, the following is a great response to that

2019-12-22 02:07:10 UTC  

@JaceRex "I remember reading a study showing how lesbians act closer to men, and instead see men as a competitor"What people are not aware about how much power they have in the movement and who are the primary contributors to feminist thought and theory.

2019-12-22 02:07:54 UTC

2019-12-22 02:08:18 UTC  

not supprised at all

2019-12-22 02:08:22 UTC

2019-12-22 02:08:55 UTC  

Those are the most popular feminist works okay and if you notice something they're all lesbians. Literally all of them.

2019-12-22 02:09:03 UTC  


2019-12-22 02:09:15 UTC  

Back in the day they were in the closet. Or sometimes even had a relationship with men but didn't realize that their contempt was a part of them being lesbian

2019-12-22 02:09:36 UTC  

lgbt stuff when i was in school in early 2000's was bad, worse now

2019-12-22 02:09:51 UTC  

Notice what they're obsessed with?

2019-12-22 02:10:43 UTC

2019-12-22 02:11:13 UTC  

attack men, to make girls think they are only safe around other girls

2019-12-22 02:11:32 UTC  

Heterosexual women do not try to brand intercourse as rape. They don't go around behind the scenes demonizing men in the eyes of women as a form of picking up women. They do that.

2019-12-22 02:12:45 UTC  

The most extreme claims always come from the lesbian demographic. It's not a coincidence that the more radical the feminist the more likely a lesbian.

Historically and even now sometimes they will pretend to be bisexual or even heterosexual only so they can speak on those relationships when they are obviously not or didn't discover till later that they were lesbians

2019-12-22 02:13:04 UTC  


2019-12-22 02:13:34 UTC  

dealt with one in college (the later)

2019-12-22 02:14:42 UTC  

"they will pretend to be bisexual or even heterosexual" just to get girls night

2019-12-22 02:17:04 UTC  

Now we can recognize right away this is a lesbian but back then we couldn't. They would have children and pass but when you look back knowing their behaviour you can see it

2019-12-22 02:18:03 UTC  

Sure she became a feminist separatist who ended up living on an island with only lesbians just to be separate from men. But she's pretending to be heterosexual here

2019-12-22 02:18:28 UTC  

If you look at the history they're all like that. They're all androgynous. There's never any feminine woman

2019-12-22 02:18:53 UTC  

Even the ones we don't think are if you look at their history they almost always have had same-sex relationships at some point.

2019-12-22 02:20:04 UTC  

That's the second part but it's pretty important if you want to understand feminism and history

2019-12-22 02:22:56 UTC  

Picture being born in a woman's body body but like a heterosexual man and women are more naturally attracted to men on average, would you feel pretty resentful, and vengeful and powerless that you didn't have what men have that attracts women?

2019-12-22 02:24:27 UTC  

Well there is a genetic component to being gay etc so the history part makes sense

2019-12-22 02:24:50 UTC  

Tho saying that, not all lesbians look masculine

2019-12-22 02:25:37 UTC  

I think lesbians have been stirring up trouble especially with demonizing men and children and sexual intercourse since there has been lesbians

2019-12-22 02:26:45 UTC  

They were often considered witches for that very reason.