Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 654767102972002311

2019-12-12 19:15:26 UTC  

lol yeah. it's like. what about individual rights? what about not wanting to get pregnant? XD

2019-12-12 19:15:59 UTC  

what about the rapists that KILL YOU because they don't want to get caught

2019-12-12 19:16:15 UTC  

Or the fact that many, many female rape victims are traumatized for life

2019-12-12 19:16:43 UTC  

"it becomes consensual because she enjoys it"

2019-12-12 19:16:52 UTC  

OMG yeah, i laughed a lot too. i was reading it to my wife, and she was cringing her neck off

2019-12-12 19:16:54 UTC  

That was the part that gave it away that the author is a dude

2019-12-12 19:17:46 UTC  

true. my wife said the same thing

2019-12-12 19:18:52 UTC  


2019-12-12 19:19:01 UTC  

the 🍄 's tho

2019-12-12 19:19:09 UTC  

There's always a butt

2019-12-12 19:19:23 UTC  


2019-12-12 19:19:59 UTC  
2019-12-12 19:20:04 UTC  

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Blames White Supremacy For Shooting Carried Out by Member of Black Supremacist Group
Deletes tweet after backlash.

2019-12-12 19:24:28 UTC  

that isnt news bitch put that in the meme section <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>

2019-12-12 19:24:44 UTC  

True. Sry

2019-12-12 19:25:58 UTC  

fuck now i feel mean

2019-12-12 19:29:36 UTC  

you shoulda posted more th-eyes in response to me man... shoulda just double downed

2019-12-12 19:29:44 UTC  

now where are we.... in this awkward position now..

2019-12-12 19:29:52 UTC  
2019-12-12 19:30:42 UTC  

Title: Serve vegans first and don't allow people to make jokes about their diet: Vegetarian group advises meat-eaters on how to make Christmas more enjoyable

2019-12-12 19:31:16 UTC  


2019-12-12 19:39:31 UTC  
2019-12-12 19:39:44 UTC  

Title: 'The law is the law': Virginia Democrats float prosecution, National Guard deployment if police don't enforce gun control

2019-12-12 19:42:29 UTC  

Uh oh... A rebellion?

2019-12-12 19:50:04 UTC  

No I'm pretty sure you were right, and actually I prefer it uncluttered too. So der is dat.

2019-12-12 20:38:47 UTC  

@UnScottable if the national guard actually does anything I would lose all respect for them.

2019-12-12 21:15:18 UTC  

@Louis big agree

2019-12-12 21:16:47 UTC  

How you ppl think?

2019-12-12 21:17:17 UTC  

I always knew it would happen

2019-12-12 21:17:28 UTC  

Bound to happen once they realized that impeachment would help Trump.

2019-12-12 21:21:57 UTC  

This is basically what is happening right now with Trump

2019-12-12 21:22:06 UTC  

I wonder who the Virginia National Guard commander is loyal to?

2019-12-12 21:23:09 UTC  

The time is rapidly approaching for the counting of heads:

2019-12-12 21:23:33 UTC  

Well... Including that there has been many polls and surveys, most likely “arm the civilians”

2019-12-12 21:25:07 UTC  

@pwtdo 100%

2019-12-12 21:27:36 UTC  

There was a good video about who would win if there was a second American civil war. It goes into great detail, to bad I can’t find it

2019-12-12 22:02:02 UTC  

Tim Pool might have lost his voice temporarily, practically