Message from @GalaxyBrainer

Discord ID: 656534617284804628

2019-12-17 16:31:13 UTC  

The hell does that even entail

2019-12-17 16:31:16 UTC

2019-12-17 16:32:01 UTC

2019-12-17 16:32:10 UTC  

but seriously, how tf do you think uni in the uk is expensive

2019-12-17 16:32:32 UTC  

how do you think it's not expansive

2019-12-17 16:32:45 UTC  

because i just fucking graduated
and so far i've paid... uh, well not a lot for it. i've definitely paid more than £0 but not more than £1000

2019-12-17 16:32:47 UTC  

The debt is what cripples you, not the money.

2019-12-17 16:32:53 UTC  

@Rabbi Haim Shekelstien moms dont need huge SUVs, they can do fine with a small Chevrolet Bolt
ban SUVs today

2019-12-17 16:32:59 UTC

2019-12-17 16:33:01 UTC  

I am debt free right now

2019-12-17 16:33:08 UTC

2019-12-17 16:33:09 UTC  

...spoken like someone who has no idea how student debt works

2019-12-17 16:33:30 UTC  

you pay back a % of income over a threshold

2019-12-17 16:33:32 UTC  

@Steyr "Thick" Shotgun i aint, while norwegian uni is (almost) free living isnt

2019-12-17 16:33:33 UTC  

Lmao use debt to ur advantage

2019-12-17 16:33:43 UTC  

There are low interest rates rn

2019-12-17 16:33:50 UTC  

i have about 15k€ debt atm

2019-12-17 16:33:55 UTC  

that's not "absurdly expensive" like that bs chart would expect

2019-12-17 16:33:57 UTC  

Sorry man, I want to earn above 25k a year without having to pay for some meaningless bullshit.

2019-12-17 16:34:10 UTC  

...yeah true

2019-12-17 16:34:11 UTC  

25k what, dollars?

2019-12-17 16:34:14 UTC  


2019-12-17 16:34:18 UTC  


2019-12-17 16:34:18 UTC  

i'll probably be dead this time next year

2019-12-17 16:34:24 UTC  


2019-12-17 16:34:34 UTC  

you have no idea how many people ive heard say that then proceed living

2019-12-17 16:34:38 UTC  

I'm doing just fine with no diploma

2019-12-17 16:34:41 UTC  

no degree

2019-12-17 16:34:44 UTC  


2019-12-17 16:34:44 UTC  

not even highschool grades

2019-12-17 16:34:48 UTC  

whatcha working with?

2019-12-17 16:34:50 UTC

2019-12-17 16:35:05 UTC  

Two businesses, 10k a year.

2019-12-17 16:35:06 UTC  

Stupid nigger

2019-12-17 16:35:09 UTC  

I work 3 days a week

2019-12-17 16:35:17 UTC  

10k a year total??

2019-12-17 16:35:22 UTC  

All of that is pocket.

2019-12-17 16:35:22 UTC  

10k a year is like

2019-12-17 16:35:24 UTC  


2019-12-17 16:35:24 UTC  

U have a pretty low standard of living then