Message from @Gservator

Discord ID: 658505368288362518

2019-12-23 02:58:56 UTC

2019-12-23 02:58:58 UTC

2019-12-23 02:59:00 UTC  

its not even a house, its a shack to hold some shitty rock that everyone licks

2019-12-23 02:59:24 UTC  

Your police are useless

2019-12-23 02:59:46 UTC  

Tell us something we don’t know

2019-12-23 02:59:54 UTC

2019-12-23 02:59:58 UTC  

Why didnt they just taser that fucker?

2019-12-23 03:00:40 UTC  

or better yet

2019-12-23 03:00:42 UTC  

shoot the fucker

2019-12-23 03:00:50 UTC  

Because I’m

2019-12-23 03:00:52 UTC  


2019-12-23 03:01:21 UTC  

Unintelligible Keebler elf

2019-12-23 03:01:31 UTC  

Untitled kingdom

2019-12-23 03:01:51 UTC  


2019-12-23 03:02:01 UTC  

Uk police kinda cringe ngl

2019-12-23 03:02:07 UTC

2019-12-23 03:02:41 UTC  

When you don’t have foreskin

2019-12-23 03:03:04 UTC  

you have a elforskin

2019-12-23 03:03:04 UTC  

I mean he's not wrong

2019-12-23 03:03:19 UTC  

elves are basically cum dumps

2019-12-23 03:05:14 UTC  

Apparently the Kabba is there to house a meteorite that ancient muslims believed came from the realm of heaven because it fell from the sky, therefore the location marks the spot where holy beings or spirits enter the world.

2019-12-23 03:06:49 UTC  


2019-12-23 03:06:58 UTC  

its where i'm going to build my taco stand at

2019-12-23 03:06:59 UTC  

Prior to muslim occupation of mecca it was thought the square building was the house of Abraham

2019-12-23 03:07:19 UTC  


2019-12-23 03:07:29 UTC  

muslims are pretty deluded.

2019-12-23 03:07:31 UTC  

So basically they're worshipping an idol?

2019-12-23 03:07:36 UTC  


2019-12-23 03:07:38 UTC  


2019-12-23 03:07:44 UTC  

god bless cosmic irony

2019-12-23 03:07:52 UTC  

yeah ikr? xDDDD

2019-12-23 03:07:58 UTC  

And so are christians who pray in churches and pray to the cross

2019-12-23 03:08:14 UTC  

well its more to jesus

2019-12-23 03:08:28 UTC  

but yeah, the muslims really top the cake on this department

2019-12-23 03:09:26 UTC  

```Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

— Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV)```

2019-12-23 03:10:00 UTC  

most chritians follow the new testament not so much the old shit

2019-12-23 03:10:25 UTC  

Then why do they say they follow the commandments?

2019-12-23 03:10:42 UTC  

because its based

2019-12-23 03:10:46 UTC  

i guess

2019-12-23 03:10:58 UTC  

its not like how the muslims say kill fucking kafirs <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-23 03:11:05 UTC  

Or because they're pick and choosey faggots