Message from @Ralin Storm

Discord ID: 650566960198713375

2019-12-01 05:18:26 UTC  

That's a meme. The NPC meme was made a while ago.

2019-12-01 05:19:06 UTC  

@Falco some things are true no matter how silly in concept

2019-12-01 05:19:08 UTC  

@UnScottable well, we do operate as if we are working off something that is true until something wins out over it... could be he is just linguistically challenged.

2019-12-01 05:19:09 UTC  

I'm not trying to be a dick and being like LOL YOU SOUND CRAZY or whatever. Who knows..I mean hey, you might be totally in the right etc. Just from an outsider's perspective, I would recommend that you talk to someone about it and be open to a professional's view point that you can take or leave

2019-12-01 05:19:29 UTC  


2019-12-01 05:19:43 UTC  

big think

2019-12-01 05:19:44 UTC  

@matroyshka so base my reality and opinion on someone else?

2019-12-01 05:19:53 UTC  

No, just talk about it

2019-12-01 05:19:56 UTC  

challenge it maybe

2019-12-01 05:20:02 UTC  

what do you think I'm doing right now

2019-12-01 05:20:05 UTC  

just make sure they arent cringe

2019-12-01 05:20:11 UTC  

cuz thatd be gay

2019-12-01 05:20:13 UTC  

We're not professionals who can offer you help if it turns out you could use it

2019-12-01 05:20:16 UTC  

@Ralin Storm try speaking with people that know you, dingus

2019-12-01 05:20:26 UTC  

@Zakhan I've already said I have

2019-12-01 05:20:28 UTC  

people that have roots, people that can take it and dish it

2019-12-01 05:20:29 UTC  

it's you guys ignoring that

2019-12-01 05:20:35 UTC  

But you aren't right now

2019-12-01 05:20:47 UTC  

did it help?

2019-12-01 05:20:47 UTC  

I've already told you why we're on this subject

2019-12-01 05:20:50 UTC  

exactly what is causing it

2019-12-01 05:20:53 UTC  

and you still say seek help

2019-12-01 05:20:54 UTC  

and you said especially things have been going on in the last 2 months

2019-12-01 05:21:20 UTC

2019-12-01 05:21:28 UTC  

Like if you were totally mentally sound and well, what harm could checking in with a professional do? like just meeting with them and discussing your thought procesesses

2019-12-01 05:21:34 UTC  

*which things?*

2019-12-01 05:21:59 UTC  

@matroyshka jesus man I'm too impatient to deal with your looping right now

2019-12-01 05:22:01 UTC  

find something else

2019-12-01 05:22:04 UTC  

whaddup my nibba @Ethreen42

2019-12-01 05:22:15 UTC  

hows it hangalangin my dude

2019-12-01 05:22:54 UTC  


2019-12-01 05:23:01 UTC  

*please stop*

2019-12-01 05:23:11 UTC  

@matroyshka your responses are why I hope you're all AIs and dumb chat bots

2019-12-01 05:23:18 UTC  

because otherwise, you're a NPC 😉

2019-12-01 05:23:56 UTC  


2019-12-01 05:24:03 UTC  

thinking that other people are AIs is a book red flag of psychosis.

2019-12-01 05:24:04 UTC  

y yew bein gay af

2019-12-01 05:24:06 UTC  


2019-12-01 05:24:16 UTC  

@matroyshka you aren't people, you're text on a screen

2019-12-01 05:24:31 UTC  

do you think somebody set up an AI just to chat with you

2019-12-01 05:24:33 UTC  

@matroyshka is a bot confirmed