Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 652230636467388459
@SideTracker there are a lot of things I like sweet but heavily sweetened things make me sick
Sad dog man
But yes, europe doesn't use corn syrup in their drinks, the recipe is totally tainted as they add real sugar.
what is real sugar anyway
Kind of nasty actually
if you use fructose or glucose
Or is he tortle
@Lucienne d'Anwyl He's a Senator. He sounds gay af
All of those are sugars
Sucrose is what normies call real sugar tho
Even if it's wrong
@SideTracker that's an ass on the back
Tortle man
holy shit
adipussy tissue is funny
Lactose, maltose, fructose, sucrose, galactose
All sugars
America was the biggest sugar producing nation in the world
For quite some time
yee haw
Not like Europe produces sugar, you import it like we do nowadays
American sugar production dipped and all of it's sugar producing territories suffered economic down turns
Nah, Europe does produce sugars, just not derived similarly or at such a demanded amount.
Which is probably why Puerto Rico is such a shithole today
If you consider beet sugar to be sugars
@SideTracker aye aye aye ese
Coke was always made with sugarcane sugar
I blame the dems and globalist
I told you we should have continued the negro sugar plantations...
I don't know what America's beat sugar production is but at some point in time it was king of cane sugar
The sugar plantations fell due to falling demand of sugar
Not labor shortages
Falling demand?