Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 652707783438761994

2019-12-07 03:03:55 UTC  

Consistency is the key. Anyone with a diet / workout regime can build muscle.

2019-12-07 03:04:05 UTC  


2019-12-07 03:04:11 UTC  

Bone structure forms in teen years. You can widen your shoulders then

2019-12-07 03:04:22 UTC  

Bones respond to exercises

2019-12-07 03:04:34 UTC  

you can widen but not broaden

2019-12-07 03:04:38 UTC  

After 25 years of age... what you have you have for life

2019-12-07 03:05:05 UTC  

It is a crime to not do sports as a teen

2019-12-07 03:05:13 UTC  

Crime against the future self

2019-12-07 03:05:20 UTC  

Awe shit

2019-12-07 03:05:22 UTC  

buddy of mine is my age; he's like 5'2; asain, puts up like 395 lbs

2019-12-07 03:05:23 UTC  

It's time boys

2019-12-07 03:05:26 UTC  

Not really. Had a few colleagues put on 30 pounds of muscle after 25 - granted over a 3 year timespan

2019-12-07 03:05:47 UTC  

But true, it’s *alot* harder to develop later on in life

2019-12-07 03:05:54 UTC  

he STILL looks 'small' in comparison to me spending half the time if not less at the gym

2019-12-07 03:06:13 UTC  

he'd ripped but MASS isn't something his body is wired for

2019-12-07 03:06:38 UTC  

some guys just put on mass way easier

2019-12-07 03:06:49 UTC  

that isn't muscle though

2019-12-07 03:07:14 UTC  

or rather, not NEW muscle

2019-12-07 03:07:15 UTC  

@Mersenne Didn't say impossible - some people are blessed with the athlete gene that works at any age.
Most people though will not have bones that respond to training after 25

2019-12-07 03:07:42 UTC  

i don't see 'bones' responding to training ever

2019-12-07 03:07:49 UTC  

your frame doesn't change

2019-12-07 03:07:52 UTC  

Tall guys also have harder time reaching same strength as short guys

2019-12-07 03:08:03 UTC  

It's because of lever

2019-12-07 03:08:08 UTC  

but an easier time putting on mass and toning up

2019-12-07 03:08:19 UTC  

The longer the bones the more sheer muscle mass you need to actuate said bone

2019-12-07 03:08:48 UTC  

Toning is pure dedication to a no-fat diet and exercise. Just don’t be a pussy and dehydrate yourself to become vascular.

2019-12-07 03:08:56 UTC  

Deciding between a old walkman or a new one

2019-12-07 03:09:06 UTC  

i don't have to work nearly as hard to LOOk like I worked twice as hard as someone with a different build

2019-12-07 03:09:08 UTC  

New one. Old Walkman skip.

2019-12-07 03:09:16 UTC  
2019-12-07 03:09:27 UTC  


2019-12-07 03:09:33 UTC  

Motors wear out pretty consistently after a decade

2019-12-07 03:09:37 UTC  

didn't those go out of style in the 80s?

2019-12-07 03:09:52 UTC  


2019-12-07 03:09:57 UTC  

but.. motors?

2019-12-07 03:10:03 UTC  

solid state

2019-12-07 03:10:16 UTC  

you realy ARE talking about a 'walkman'

2019-12-07 03:10:22 UTC  

80s / 90s. Truthfully you’ll get better quality and quantity of music with something new - but I figure you’re looking for retro

2019-12-07 03:10:25 UTC  

only thing you need motors for is tape