Message from @Seven Proxies

Discord ID: 655177007977594901

2019-12-13 22:36:45 UTC  

fuck 'society', JB

2019-12-13 22:36:48 UTC  

yes @Louis by making them slaves 😉

2019-12-13 22:36:55 UTC  

@Louis It's one of the arguments that the retarded enviromentalists could've proposed to actually get a right winger like myself on their side.

If they ditched their "save the climate" rhetoric regarding going over to renewable energy and instead highlighted the strategic importance of making western countries less reliant on oil from terrorist jihadi countries, I might actually have been persuaded.

I should ask them to pay me to be their spokesperson directed towards rightwingers 😄

2019-12-13 22:37:13 UTC  

and, no, i'm not allowed to live in Israeli society. JB

2019-12-13 22:37:30 UTC  

@Seven Proxies that would be true except nuclear power

2019-12-13 22:37:38 UTC  

Is the best 100%

2019-12-13 22:37:49 UTC  

And evirocucks hate it

2019-12-13 22:37:55 UTC  

That would make America less reliant on trade, which hurts countries which rely entirely on trade. @Seven Proxies

2019-12-13 22:37:59 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash Yeah but having fat loads of cash will do that, regardless of whatever little cult or club you belong to. And let's face it, the jews were on top of the money making side of things since ancient times, whereas the rest of the world had idiotic religious sentiments that prevented them from lending people money at an interest.

2019-12-13 22:38:01 UTC  

That's why it's not done.

2019-12-13 22:38:07 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash The CCP is the same, albeit they also control a lot of their own population.

2019-12-13 22:38:09 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash You shitting me?

2019-12-13 22:38:16 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash Leave that to stew for a few thousand years and the money lenders will come out on top

2019-12-13 22:38:23 UTC  

Trade deficits are good?

2019-12-13 22:38:25 UTC  

The fuck

2019-12-13 22:38:26 UTC  

@Seven Proxies sounds like money is your god

2019-12-13 22:38:33 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:38:35 UTC  

Energy deficits are good?

2019-12-13 22:38:40 UTC  

The fuck #2

2019-12-13 22:39:31 UTC  

@Louis Yeah nuclear power is great.

But sadly since it's reliant on a consumable natural resource, it's not renewable per se. So even if you switched fully over to nuclear power, in the long run you'd want to supplement and even surpass it at some point with a renewable energy source. It's the strategically sound thing to do.

2019-12-13 22:39:36 UTC  

Imagine wanting a functional economy so you can work and live.

2019-12-13 22:39:42 UTC  

Fucking capitalist bigot.

2019-12-13 22:40:01 UTC  

@Seven Proxies It uses so little that it effectivly renewable for 1000 years

2019-12-13 22:40:06 UTC  

MoNeY iS yOuR gOd

2019-12-13 22:40:07 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash No money is not my god. I'm just stating fact that if you have a lot of money, it will grant you a lot of power and influence by default. Doesn't matter who you are.

2019-12-13 22:40:10 UTC  

@Louis which bit, the part about trade? Yeah, there's actually a lot of reasons why environmentalism would help local economy, and doing this would require fewer trade deals. Allies to the west don't want this.

2019-12-13 22:40:11 UTC  

By that time fusion will come around

2019-12-13 22:40:14 UTC  

So yeah

2019-12-13 22:40:55 UTC  

@Seven Proxies unless my country chooses not to recognize your money as possessing value. What's there to give to a sustainable nation, that we can't do ourselves?

2019-12-13 22:41:00 UTC  

@Louis Fusion is essentially a renewable source of energy. I wasn't talking about "wind power" or some pipedream like that.

Although hydroelectric power and solar power have great potential if used correctly.

2019-12-13 22:41:15 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash that's why i hold Gold among other things

2019-12-13 22:41:40 UTC  

Solar is worthless, until it's perfected, it creates very little energy over time

2019-12-13 22:41:42 UTC  

What i mean is that nuclear is a step towards fusion and it is effectivly renewable in 20 generations

2019-12-13 22:41:44 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash Good luck with that. Getting entire countries to simply not recognize the value of currency is not an easy thing to do.

2019-12-13 22:41:57 UTC  

Solar is worthless tbh

2019-12-13 22:41:59 UTC  

You misheard me, seven

2019-12-13 22:42:07 UTC  

I didn't say no currency

2019-12-13 22:42:12 UTC  

I said not yours.

2019-12-13 22:42:40 UTC  

Money itself is necessary. Even the communists knew this.

2019-12-13 22:42:43 UTC  

But everybody else recognises it.