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2019-12-13 20:55:11 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

UN, Nato, Eu, Nor america can be relied upon to put european lives before the lives of others.

2019-12-13 21:39:28 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

There's an infinite amount of potential math, an infinite number ways of combining numbers.
What matters is math that helps you with the real world.

2019-12-13 21:39:40 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Same goes for philosophy

They don't need to rule the world, they just need to have enough billionaires to effect world politics in their favour.

Seven, its humans, not sheep an lions.

the US does not rule the world, louis. China, for example.

first in what? a race?

Seven. Jewish billionaires clearly have influence in the US. to deny it is .... immature.

Well, seven, his daughter married jews. He sings their praise.

so what if it was?

''the enemy is using a gun, don't you like the enemy now?''

well violetskies, in the UK it is illegal to deny israel's right to exist, so no, its not quite the same as you say, as it's not illegal to disagree with a white ethnonationalist

Because seven, the enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

'their turn'? lol

enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

a jew designed the mega-mosque that has been opened un cambridge , UK

Seven, you seriously think humans wouldn't be that way? anyway?

jewish books about how 'germans should be sterilized' since the early 1900's

I think, seven, it doesn't matter if it's bronze age or not, were the dominant super-predator speices that have spread to 7.6Bilion + in number.

Religions are catalysts for natural human super-predatorial behaviour.

no, seven, they haven't.

then you're naivee

It's absurd to say of all the 7.6 bil + humans, none of them are both 'jewish' and 'conspiring against non-jews'. it is mathematically impossible.

not hard to be a first world nation when you get US aid

Seven, that doesn't make sense.

IF i give you AIDS, you have a body with an openborders policy

the 3rd world has had countless billions for decades

like, 8 marshal plans worth

fuck 'society', JB

and, no, i'm not allowed to live in Israeli society. JB

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