Message from @ubermensch

Discord ID: 655575353275711508

2019-12-15 00:57:14 UTC  

I mean idk the Scots are acting like the English are equivalent to jihadis in terms of wanting to usurp them lol

2019-12-15 00:57:33 UTC  

The only thing I’d miss if the Scots left the union would be the flag. Until they came back begging to unite again after fifty years

2019-12-15 00:58:04 UTC  

There isn’t much point letting them leave hell idk why you lot humor the idea of an option

2019-12-15 00:58:21 UTC  

It’s like if California wanted to leave the US

2019-12-15 00:58:30 UTC  

Like no your not going anywhere

2019-12-15 00:58:55 UTC  

California does want to leave the union. The could if they wanted to

2019-12-15 00:59:04 UTC  

Lets say Scotland leaves the UK; they cant keep the GBP since those rates are determined by the bank of England so either new currency or latch onto another, the only industry they have is shipbuilding and most of that is locked into the MoD which will move south to newcastle if Scotland leaves, in terms of resources assume that the UK does not contest the offshore oil and they get it the EU they want to join has new green policy coming that means it will be almost as costly to take that oil, they will have to cut their public services due to the fact they will no longer be subsidised by the English (Barnett Formula) which means no more free education either, the EU wont give them more money because at that point they will potentially not be in the EU and even if they are they wont recieve more, and lets say they manage to join the EU a nation of less than 10 million is going to join a bloc of half a billion, they wont have 60 seats there they will get 3 maybe 4 and be mostly ignored more so than they are now

2019-12-15 00:59:12 UTC  


2019-12-15 00:59:27 UTC  

@Kash no they couldn’t

2019-12-15 00:59:45 UTC  

If the south couldn’t leave in the 1840s they sure as fuck wouldn’t let California leave now

2019-12-15 01:00:03 UTC  

Scotland loses no matter what it does

2019-12-15 01:00:11 UTC  

But the bottom line it will curb the nationalists

2019-12-15 01:00:15 UTC  

And teach them a lesson

2019-12-15 01:00:35 UTC  

@ubermensch "The Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White in 1869 that no state can unilaterally leave the Union. Secession would require a US Constitutional amendment approved by two-thirds majorities in the US House of Representatives and Senate, then ratification by 38 state legislatures." - › wiki › Yes_California

2019-12-15 01:00:35 UTC  

Cali is a cesspit anyways, just let mexico have it

2019-12-15 01:01:12 UTC  

@Kash do you imagine that ever happening? Doubtful

2019-12-15 01:01:55 UTC  

@Vander Loonéy no why would we give it up? Let’s just take it back from the dam democrats that’s have ruined it.

2019-12-15 01:01:57 UTC  

@ubermensch Essentially they could secede but they contribute like 30% of your GDP so the rest would hold them hostage

2019-12-15 01:02:10 UTC  

Same as what happened to catalan

2019-12-15 01:02:15 UTC  

And literally are exporting their cancer in the form of their precious residents acting like locusts

2019-12-15 01:02:24 UTC  

And infesting local politics in other state’s

2019-12-15 01:02:26 UTC  

"were free, but you cant leave unless we say you can" <:PepeL:625351341656506378>

2019-12-15 01:02:36 UTC  

a small price to pay for billions in taxes

2019-12-15 01:02:39 UTC  
2019-12-15 01:02:47 UTC  

@ubermensch You gonna waste so much resources on removing all thos ecommies

2019-12-15 01:02:50 UTC  

Idk mate when the shit on the street starts catching fire and the firefighters are all dead from the bubonic plague I'm sure the other states will reconsider the usefulnes of california

2019-12-15 01:03:11 UTC  

Giving up California would be a disgrace

2019-12-15 01:03:25 UTC  

Just coup the Dems out fucking godfather style

2019-12-15 01:03:26 UTC  

America should cut california tbh

2019-12-15 01:03:31 UTC  

It will fail on its own...

2019-12-15 01:03:53 UTC  

the only reason its picked is because of its usefulness to the USA, when its not apart of the USA that usefulness is gone

2019-12-15 01:03:57 UTC  

California wouldn't fail tho, it makes too much money

2019-12-15 01:04:03 UTC  

Can still fail

2019-12-15 01:04:11 UTC  

Would not be American any more

2019-12-15 01:04:12 UTC  

can but wouldn't

2019-12-15 01:04:27 UTC  

It can fail if it incurs more stupidity by the fact it’s policies literally are killing it

2019-12-15 01:04:44 UTC  

lbf California isn't American now @Storin

2019-12-15 01:04:50 UTC  

Literally kick it out, build a wall around it, then have a state charge less taxes and watch them move out of cali

2019-12-15 01:04:51 UTC  

California would turn into Venezuela 2.0 before a week passed

2019-12-15 01:04:55 UTC  

Businesses that is

2019-12-15 01:05:17 UTC  

Literally the EU is afraid of the UK doing the same thing with corp tax and undercutting everyone