Message from @Riley

Discord ID: 600421934114799626

2019-07-15 20:19:30 UTC  

@Bogatyr Bogumir how is the big bang not scientific

2019-07-15 20:19:36 UTC  

it is

2019-07-15 20:19:40 UTC  


2019-07-15 20:19:41 UTC  

whats the problem

2019-07-15 20:19:44 UTC  

thats my point, the discussion is about god etc.

2019-07-15 20:19:50 UTC  

or from what I gether

2019-07-15 20:19:53 UTC  

oh yea it was earlier

2019-07-15 20:19:59 UTC  

when i was talking to that one guy

2019-07-15 20:20:06 UTC  

then it switched to big bang

2019-07-15 20:20:08 UTC  

and it has regressed into science, i had no idea the convo shifted to big bang stuff

2019-07-15 20:20:15 UTC  


2019-07-15 20:20:16 UTC  

aight big oof on my part

2019-07-15 20:20:23 UTC  

i do think though that the fact that

2019-07-15 20:20:24 UTC  

ill oof myself

2019-07-15 20:20:28 UTC  


2019-07-15 20:20:28 UTC  

the findings in science contradict the bible

2019-07-15 20:20:34 UTC  

is a major problem for Christianity

2019-07-15 20:21:37 UTC  

It depends, i havent read up on the official theological interpretations of the bible. From what I understand is that the old testament is really the biggest issue, the new testament not so much.

the issue is then is the official (for me catholic) doctrine to interpret it literally, or some other way

2019-07-15 20:21:57 UTC  

I know in the US evangelicals and others like to take it on literally in which case that poses some huge contention.

2019-07-15 20:22:17 UTC  

and they chose to reject the findings of science

2019-07-15 20:22:24 UTC  


2019-07-15 20:23:06 UTC  

and they have on multiple occasions attempted to push their religious views into schools

2019-07-15 20:28:37 UTC  

I mean IMO religion should be taught as a subject, along with philosophy in the same class. As a means of propagating culture.

For catholics at least there has never really been an issue between science and religion, each simply sit in their own circles and often times priests are esteemed scientists and have been in history.

2019-07-15 20:29:25 UTC  

But this again means that religion is its own subject.

2019-07-15 20:29:55 UTC  

as far as I know in the US they wanted to, instead of makign religion class, to push religion into all other subjects instead

2019-07-15 20:30:38 UTC  

which IMO retards the entire point, its like taking a book, and giving all 100 pages to 1000 people at once, instead of one person at a time. In the end nobody knows what is going on.

2019-07-15 20:49:35 UTC  

religion is not necessary. It should be removed from schools

2019-07-15 20:49:55 UTC  

Schools have no business propagating religion

2019-07-15 20:50:15 UTC  

@Bogatyr Bogumir Catholics flip out when you talk about evolution and the big bang

2019-07-15 20:50:26 UTC  

most, especially the boomers, don't like those concepts

2019-07-15 21:00:46 UTC  

lol as far as I know they are poor catholics.

and I would argue religion is necessary, look at western countries without it. That in itself is enough of a case for keeping religion, even if it is pragmatic and to build society.

2019-07-15 21:01:29 UTC  

no, its time we move on. We don't need God anymore

2019-07-15 21:01:46 UTC  

he has become obsolete

2019-07-15 21:02:23 UTC  

-> looks to the west literally falling apart and being replaced by radical islam
-> k

2019-07-15 21:03:30 UTC  

LMAO yea the muslims are turning western nations into theocracies

2019-07-15 21:04:23 UTC  

Even if this were the case, there are other ways to solve it

2019-07-15 21:05:52 UTC  

I mean they are simply winning on a social level, they will win given time. Atheism is just dying. Its as mauritian struggle put it a failed reproductive strategy.

The biggest issue atheism has as a social order is that its basically a vaccume. its after the the non belief, and thus has no propositions to fill the void that it produces.

2019-07-15 21:06:24 UTC  

basically atheism isnt ready to even propose a social model simply because its busy tearing down the christian one that already exists.

2019-07-15 21:07:06 UTC  

Popping by to make sure Addie is speaking in a polite and formal manner

2019-07-15 21:07:17 UTC  

wait wait hold that thought

2019-07-15 21:07:21 UTC  

I gotta do something real quick