Message from @Eoppa

Discord ID: 623687660715900948

2019-09-18 01:06:16 UTC  


2019-09-18 01:06:24 UTC  

Aquinas is an Aristotelian

2019-09-18 01:06:29 UTC  

Kalam is Arab

2019-09-18 01:06:40 UTC  

well I suppose the next step is to prove that the prime mover is God

2019-09-18 01:08:11 UTC  

Well the next 36 steps are a brief proof to prove it's immutable, eternal, incorporeal, immaterial, perfect, fully good, omnipotent, omniscient, and intelligent

2019-09-18 01:08:33 UTC  

Brief in that each step could be expanded to a whole other 50 steps

2019-09-18 01:08:45 UTC  

If we really wanted

2019-09-18 01:09:29 UTC  

Let's take immutability, as we already touched on that, pure act cannot change

2019-09-18 01:09:41 UTC  

As it has no potentiality to actualize

2019-09-18 01:09:42 UTC  

God *cannot* do something?

2019-09-18 01:09:47 UTC  


2019-09-18 01:09:51 UTC  

Doing is act

2019-09-18 01:10:04 UTC  

o ok continue

2019-09-18 01:10:05 UTC  

Being changed is potency

2019-09-18 01:11:22 UTC  

ah better question

2019-09-18 01:11:26 UTC  

could I not pull something out of my ass

2019-09-18 01:11:29 UTC  

that has all those properties

2019-09-18 01:11:36 UTC  


2019-09-18 01:11:39 UTC  

and how are these properties only limited to the Christian God

2019-09-18 01:11:41 UTC  

sure i could

2019-09-18 01:12:05 UTC  

Well it excludes Hinduism, and all polytheistic religions

2019-09-18 01:12:20 UTC  

Any religion like pagans who think the Gods are corporeal or material

2019-09-18 01:12:42 UTC  

But at this point you cannot be an atheist

2019-09-18 01:13:49 UTC  

So far all you established is that there is a pure act

2019-09-18 01:14:07 UTC  

And it's necessary ramifications

2019-09-18 01:14:19 UTC  

Immutability, unity, etc

2019-09-18 01:14:34 UTC  

Perhaps im not understanding, I do science, not philosophy

2019-09-18 01:15:29 UTC  

Maybe you are not, it took me 4 books before I accepted the argument

2019-09-18 01:15:55 UTC  

I didn't have anyone to explain why "x criticism" isn't right

2019-09-18 01:16:27 UTC  


2019-09-18 01:17:17 UTC  

I'm saying it's a much more philosophically heavy argument than Dawkins or Hitchens thought

2019-09-18 01:17:56 UTC  

So it's understandable you wouldn't get it

2019-09-18 01:18:40 UTC  

I barely understand what Matt Dillahunty is saying half the time lole

2019-09-18 01:19:37 UTC  

If you watch Ed Feser debate this, he sounds like he lives in a library

2019-09-18 01:20:10 UTC  

New atheists like even Matt typically are not acquainted with the scholastics or other academic theologians

2019-09-18 01:20:57 UTC  

They'll debate at max William Lane Craig, who has weak arguments often

2019-09-18 01:21:07 UTC  

his arguments are a joke

2019-09-18 01:21:09 UTC  


2019-09-18 01:21:23 UTC  

You would think that a God would make evidence of his existance obvious

2019-09-18 01:21:56 UTC  

Christians would not have to resort to nonsense like presuppositionalism

2019-09-18 01:21:57 UTC  

Read a theologian or something, all of these points were debated centuries ago really