Message from @Suit Dog

Discord ID: 624386393514180608

2019-09-19 23:20:49 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:20:56 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:21:00 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:21:09 UTC  

Tell biflexual that Jesus was supposed to die, He refused to be saved by his apostles. One of which drew a sword and cut off a mans ear when they arrived to arrest Him, but Jesus rebuked Him and healed the man’s ear.

When He was crucified, His enemies the Pharisees mocked Him and said “He saved others, why can’t He save Himself?”

People these days basically repeat that line and prove that they’ve never read the crucifixion accounts but readily give their opinions on it.

2019-09-19 23:21:11 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:21:14 UTC  

<:smug:591181720565579807> <:shoot:591451983647473707>

2019-09-19 23:21:27 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:21:49 UTC  

<:transgun:605969854456922132> <:pardon:599708367245541387>

2019-09-19 23:22:16 UTC  

<:gun:605969568971620352> <:what:591451631590178846> <:shoot:591451983647473707>

2019-09-19 23:22:33 UTC  

<:grug:591451817561292829> <:aprimban:605968319400378395>

2019-09-19 23:23:21 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:23:24 UTC

2019-09-19 23:25:51 UTC  

@Simmons ☧ did he stick the ear back on or just heal the ear hole

2019-09-19 23:27:12 UTC  

Who knows, I always pictured it has the flesh growing back completely.

2019-09-19 23:27:32 UTC  

So maybe that guy had a spare ear from then on

2019-09-19 23:27:36 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:27:46 UTC  

It’s not really that relevant as a detail

2019-09-19 23:27:57 UTC  

Why mute the atheist? Youre giving him less reason to be convinced by you

2019-09-19 23:28:08 UTC  

I used to be a hardcore atheist myself

2019-09-19 23:28:25 UTC  

Even antitheist

2019-09-19 23:28:36 UTC  

Im interested in the lesser known Jesus stories

2019-09-19 23:28:56 UTC  

Me too, but only reasonable people listen to reason @Deleted User

2019-09-19 23:29:21 UTC  

Yes, but he didnt show any signs of being unreasonable @Simmons ☧

2019-09-19 23:29:41 UTC  

Well he came right out the gate with “religious people are brainwashed”

2019-09-19 23:29:53 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:29:58 UTC  

Tell me obscure Jesus facts

2019-09-19 23:30:09 UTC  

It’s impossible to have good faith conversations with people who think you have no critical thinking

2019-09-19 23:30:23 UTC  

@Suit Dog Sure let me think of one

2019-09-19 23:32:27 UTC  

He fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness, while being tempted by Satan the whole time.

2019-09-19 23:32:50 UTC  

And conversed with him

2019-09-19 23:33:07 UTC  

He ate hemp seeds @Suit Dog

2019-09-19 23:33:51 UTC  

I know of the desert one just not the details. I have not hears of the hemp seeds one

2019-09-19 23:34:25 UTC  

Lynch satanists

2019-09-19 23:34:33 UTC  


2019-09-19 23:34:40 UTC  

I know about when he punished that tree for nothing

2019-09-19 23:34:43 UTC  

And it died

2019-09-19 23:34:57 UTC  

Well a little bit of expansion on it then - Satan offered Him all the kingdoms on earth in return for worshiping him.

2019-09-19 23:35:15 UTC  

@Suit Dog Oh, that’s a parable, meant as a lesson for His apostles

2019-09-19 23:35:20 UTC  

Correction: he used hemp oil to heal people.

2019-09-19 23:38:51 UTC  

He wiped His spit in a blind man’s eyes to heal them.

He used this method because ancient Israelites believed spit had some healing properties they’d spit (their *own* spit) into their wounds following this superstition.

I’d find it offensive for someone to spit in my eyes personally but if I was blind at I could suddenly see after it I would be buzzing

2019-09-19 23:40:22 UTC  

I wish Jesus would heal my astigmatism