Message from @Maksim
Discord ID: 610843445262548993
I need a ban hammer emoji
While I am authoritarian, I also support an armed populace
Fuck off of this channel
world peace finally happenin! people are figuring out WW2, like the true story. please share!
i think the thing that did it, when everyone realized trump was going to win in 2020 because the media had been lying about him for over 4 years straight, they realized the same principle might be true for the last 100 years of global warfare. i.e. the victors of WW2 created public schools to teach a false version of their victory. Kinda obvious really
@Riley dm link to ur server
>implying he's dead
@Maksim i forgot I was gonna tell you about the big bang. You asked a few things yesterday, and fortunately I have the answers for you! Firstly, a scientific theory isnt just some random idea a scientist pulled out of his ass. A scientific theory is defined as an explanation of a natural phenomenon that has passed rigorous testing. So when someone says "the big bang is just a theory" they are really saying "the big bang is a confirmed explanation of reality
Now onto the evidence. There are three lines of evidence I like to use. Redshift, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, and Quasars. Have you ever heard a car driving down the highway honk its horn? As the car approaches you, its horn will sound high pitched, and as it passes you, its pitch will drop. This is known as the doppler effect, and we observe it in light too! As an object travels away from another object, its light will shift towards the red end of the spectrum! We observe this in galaxies, meaning they are traveling away from us. If we graph the rate of expansion, we find they must have all been "on top of eachother" (in an initial singularity)
i forgot about my dentist appointment
How can something come from nothing
Nothing can happen because nothing exists
well we dont know what caused the big bang, nor do we know if it really had a cause! Currently our models cant predict anything before the planck era. Before the planck era, the universe would have been dominated by quantum gravity. We dont have a theory of quantum gravity yet, so we cant make any claims about T = 0
if there even is a T = 0
It could be an asymtote
quantum gravity is essencially a field theory of gravity, much like quantum electrodynamics and chromodynamics
(electrodynamics is the field theory of electeomagnetism, and chromodynamics is the field theory of the strong nuclear force)
in short, we dont know.
If quantum gravity existed prior to the Big Bang, then the big bang is not the beginning, so what is?
well those are more questions we can't answer
there is still too many unknowns
like I said, there might not even be T = 0
I'm trying to find articles about the massive underground dungeon child sex ring that was busted a few years back in California and was linked to Hillary Clinton
Google seems to have scrubbed it because I'm only finding recent pedophile busts that are a lot smaller and one article about a person talking about something similar
@Deleted User can you @everyone for this ,I really need those articles
@Broken Cocaine Bars It was Nxivm
Just search up Nxivm hillary clinton