Message from @Maksim
Discord ID: 611990124594462722
You lose jobs
Prices rise
You know how many jobs are lost every time you increase the minimum wage
New York increased min wage and it created jobs
Employment increased
Do you know how much the price of good rise when you raise the minimum wage
Where you getting your data from
It does not increase due to economic law
I want to see this data
Economic law dictates it should not increase
Corporations increase the price to maintain their current levels of profit
You simply force corporations to not raise prices and not cut jobs, because they can well afford to do that as you increase wages to match inflation and purchasing power
You can't force anyone to do. Anything
There is no such thing
Yes you can
There is no simply
Force them to increase wages to match inflation or Nationalize them and do it yourself
Oh nationilze them
So communsim
You literally advocating for communism
More like Stasserism
That's literally communsim
No it's not
It's Stasserism and Corporatism
Communism is the nationilzatuon of state resources
Neither are communist
Wrong, read the manifesto
I'll be back soon, cheers
You advocating for everything commie counties did
communism is not nationalizing
the manifesto is a pamphlet for agitation, not a line up of the ideology
yea anyone who reads it knows that lol
tt was written for uneducated German workers
it was for revolutionary parties
the state has the right to "teach" your children Intersectionality <a:clownwalk:586028302502854666>
herbe durh a moslim talkin moure sience den a liberal????