Message from @ᴷᴼLoki
Discord ID: 611989323713085461
They must have shitty time management skills then
Sure, does that mean corporations can scam them?
Corporations certainly can scam you but you arnt forced
If someone is less intelligent or successful than you that does not give you the right to abuse their lives
You have free will
And free reign
You have free will but there is no large job markets which pay well for the skill requirements
Corporations must be forced to increase wages go match inflation and purchasing power
Then get better skill requirements and budget to how much money you earn
Many people cannot attend university
That has never worked in the history of ever
Yes it has
You know what happens when you do that
It works
You lose jobs
Prices rise
New York increased min wage and it created jobs
Employment increased
Do you know how much the price of good rise when you raise the minimum wage
Where you getting your data from
It does not increase due to economic law
I want to see this data
Economic law dictates it should not increase
Corporations increase the price to maintain their current levels of profit
You simply force corporations to not raise prices and not cut jobs, because they can well afford to do that as you increase wages to match inflation and purchasing power
You can't force anyone to do. Anything
There is no such thing
Yes you can
There is no simply
Force them to increase wages to match inflation or Nationalize them and do it yourself
Oh nationilze them
Arrest anyone who refuses for treason against the people
So communsim
You literally advocating for communism
More like Stasserism