Message from @Spergerger

Discord ID: 658503402099179570

2019-12-23 02:54:22 UTC  

jews? @Light

2019-12-23 02:54:51 UTC  

I don't really judge based upon ethnicity/race, I look at individual merits and beliefs

2019-12-23 02:55:07 UTC  

Ok but all Jews have specific individual merits

2019-12-23 02:55:23 UTC  

So you believe in a meritocracy with mixed economics.

2019-12-23 02:55:23 UTC  


2019-12-23 02:55:26 UTC  

I don't believe that to be the case

2019-12-23 02:55:32 UTC  

Porch monkey mentally @Light

2019-12-23 02:55:32 UTC  


2019-12-23 02:55:32 UTC  

A meritocracy of sorts, yes

2019-12-23 02:55:55 UTC  

As for a state, I believe it should be decentralized, though in control of its citizens

2019-12-23 02:56:03 UTC  

A sort of neo-feudalism, though of course, not hereditary

2019-12-23 02:56:03 UTC  

Of course not all Jews have specific traits but most do and they all pose a threat to society as a result

2019-12-23 02:56:37 UTC  

That explains your opposition to unitary states.

2019-12-23 02:56:42 UTC  

City-states should be the dominant unit, with loose cooperation to form a larger "realm"

2019-12-23 02:56:47 UTC  

or confederation

2019-12-23 02:56:51 UTC  

whatever you want to call it, really

2019-12-23 02:57:07 UTC  

Hell, "Empire" sounds cool, why not go with that? The title is just semantics anyways

2019-12-23 02:57:19 UTC  

so basically individualist anarchofuckery

2019-12-23 02:57:20 UTC  

Words have definitions tho

2019-12-23 02:57:25 UTC  


2019-12-23 02:57:27 UTC  

Not anarcho

2019-12-23 02:57:42 UTC  

I believe that each city-state should be ruled relatively closely

2019-12-23 02:57:47 UTC  

lolberto individualism

2019-12-23 02:57:59 UTC  

With a larger state apparatus in each city-state, acting independently

2019-12-23 02:58:07 UTC  

@Spergerger autonomous groups are a thing in individualist anarchism but what light wants is fucking gay

2019-12-23 02:58:13 UTC  

Also, the definition doesn't really matter

2019-12-23 02:58:14 UTC  

I more or less support unitary states because they adhere to a consistent, specific set of laws that are applicable to all residents, regardless of deviations. Federalist structures focus too much on specificities and end up producing loopholes in laws that can essentially be manipulated by mal-thinking individuals.

2019-12-23 02:58:33 UTC  

Hello I haven’t been on discord much

2019-12-23 02:58:33 UTC  

Unitary states are too rigid and fail to account for local needs, local traditions, etc.

2019-12-23 02:58:39 UTC  

Moreover, they can't adapt to changes as well

2019-12-23 02:58:51 UTC  

Likewise, pure democracies cannot adapt to changes/dire circumstances

2019-12-23 02:59:11 UTC  

Authoritarianism + Decentralization enables maximum resilience

2019-12-23 02:59:14 UTC  

Of course on the concept of democracy, have you read Plato’s five governments.

2019-12-23 02:59:19 UTC  

sounds fruity

2019-12-23 02:59:23 UTC  

In his book β€œThe Republic.”

2019-12-23 02:59:31 UTC  

I haven't

2019-12-23 02:59:54 UTC  

Your roles give me cancer @Spergerger

2019-12-23 03:00:10 UTC  

Ay its Caesar

2019-12-23 03:00:13 UTC  

Plato states that the greatest form of government is an aristocracy; not a hereditary, but based on virtue. Democracy is considered to be one of the worst forms of government that transition to anarchy and then to tyranny.

2019-12-23 03:00:30 UTC  

I believe something akin to that