Message from @Wiktor VI
Discord ID: 605291238245269576
the weird esoteric kind?
"natural order"
hurry up its like 2 am and i want to sleep
@Rains0Castamere Hold up, you’re a Nazi?
first of all
its national socialist
not nazi
It’s a contraction.
nazi is a slur made up by western journalists
But slurs are fun. : (
i doubt he is a member of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany
since that's what Nazi stands for
Could be a larper.
I thought you liked slurs
Wouldn’t be the first time.
didn't have an issue earlier
I shaved my mustache, should I also shave off my pubes and ass hair?
@Redneck Rosteen sure
@Redneck Rosteen pubes maybe, ass no
unless you are expecting visitors down there
Addie, don’t push your luck hon.
Visitors? Oh no I'm not gay
ever heard of strap ons
I wouldn't let that happen
That was the former face for Chips Ahoy!
Wait was it?
I think it was different
@Riley Oh poor child, I’m at work so you’re just gonna have to wait until I’m on break kiddo
Actually, I never outright said that I’m NatSoc. I’m sympathetic but I wouldn’t call myself NatSoc.
By all means, I want to see your critical analysis on National Socialism.
Then I’ll actually give my real opinion on the big gay, and why you should be yeeted
One of the California shooting victims was a fucking six year old. Fuck that shooter. Cunt should have lived so we could give him death by hanging. Monsters like that don’t deserve a quick death.
I’d like to put my hands around that fucks neck and squeeze.
There was a California shooting? Another one
Man that state really is becoming a third world shithole