Message from @Sven Brender
Discord ID: 617844463154495498
@Wubbzo North and West German
ah sounds plausible
@Alric the Bretwalda Well I hate nazis so win/win
You cannot see this because you are not thoroughly educated.
**I heavily disagree**
At this point you just sound like an insane person riding off a cliff on his high horse
The "chosen people" is a Semitic myth, not an Aryan one. Celtic peoples and German people have a common origin. @Sven Brender
The "Chosen people" is a myth. Period.
Jews really are just larping as Team Plasma
Britannia was also a central component of chivalry within the Catholic Middle Ages. You turn your back on the Catholic Middle Ages, thus turning your back on Western tradition, and exposing yourself as a hater of it. @Sven Brender
I call myself aryan to piss off the natsocs that think all "pure" aryans should be saluting Hitler like some fucking troglodyte
jews be like: go die for israel goyim oy Vey
@Alric the Bretwalda I don't reject the past success of Catholicism. I just reject the notion that it is or was any better because of its teachings.
Nazis were nothing but perverters and misinterpreters. The damage they caused was unfathomable. Charles Maurras was strictly anti-Nazi.
I don't care what you believe in as long as you don't try to push it on me
if you don't collectivize then eventually some group will push it on you
Imagine following an ideology that killed more than 6 million people
cringe tbh
You also stand for a shadow of paganism. Pure paganism was monotheistic. @Sven Brender You make a laughing stock out of Europeans as if they were all unwillingly forced to accept Christianity, instead of adopting it as their own.
Capitalism killed so many during the Industrial revolution.
@Alric the Bretwalda aha? True paganism was monotheism?
Yes it was.
You realize there was famines in Russia well before the Soviet Union, right?
@Wubbzo the industrial revolution wouldn't have been the best fucking place even without Capitalism
yeh but their policies did make it worse tbf @Wubbzo
lysenkoism etc
The important thing is that Capitalism is now a much more effective alternative to extensive government intervention
@Sven Brender Polytheism is an absurdity. It is dismissible once you recognise the essential unity of the cosmos, that there is a single fundamental reality, enveloped from a singular will.
I'm gonna need proof of that
@Sven Brender what do you think the government should be doing?
Military and ensuring welfare and education
And also laws
@Sven Brender How can I prove something which ought to be grasped directly and intuitively? This knowledge is beyond reason, or what is discursive.
Why would they need to intervene economically? It's only ever worked in China!
why is government tyranny worse than corporate tyranny?
@Alric the Bretwalda a monotheistic god is a tyrant responsible for all suffering. Polytheistic gods are imperfect. Just as we are.
@Deleted User it isn't. That's why I'm not an ancap but a libertarian
I said excessive, not any
We have to stop monopolies and foreign companies from becoming fucking huge