Message from @Alric the Bretwalda
Discord ID: 620312589498318879
can you stop shitting up every conversation that happens in here or the radical political lounge
So they are gullible and cuckolded.
You are so full of shit. If I was in charge of these servers you'd be banned for a lack of competence. @Deleted User
People who worship Hitler too. Such slaves.
This is the Right cafe.
Your views are not right-wing. You're a secularist.
no, they are cooperative, altruistic, and kind-hearted, that is their nature. It only works when you are shown reciprocity, however
dude, just shut the fuck up
So perhaps the Radical Politics Lounge you have a right to stay, but not in this server. Atheists are not Rightists. @Deleted User
i'm sure you would buddy
i'll be weary once you've gotten up from your obese ass and made your 4th rome
You don't respect God. You don't respect tradition. You don't respect family. Gtfo. @Deleted User
do you believe your own lies, or are you genuinely just confused?
And don't even pretend to have an interest in family. Religious people have in-group preferences much stronger than any atheist twirp like yourself. @Deleted User
The other two principles you've already crapped on.
i'm not even going to bother dude, we both know you're just talking mad shit online
You're the crazy one, 20th century fucking larper. I laugh and spit on you, godless scumbag. @Deleted User
Also, you keep insulting English people, bro, but according to your ideology we're no different. You're gonna pretend that Germans are any much closer to you than English people who literally lived side by side with you pre-migration? @Deleted User
Your ideology lacks manifest power to unite. I do wonder though how many superior men were brushed aside by the thuggish clowns that were the Nazis? @Deleted User
Keep calling the rest of us obese, degenerate fatso.
You are a disgrace to Denmark and Denmark does not share your views. You are a bum. @Deleted User
@The Desert Fox V Take a moment to laugh at Bananders.
I would have the man flogged, castrated, then transported to Africa to remain a slave for the rest of his life.
That's rather extreme.
death to ukraine
He's just exercising free speech. And as a person who shares ancestry with the British he deserves that right. @Alric the Bretwalda
@Maksim death to ukraine
@The Desert Fox V Free speech doesn't exist, nor do I believe in it.
Without free speech a government will grow stagnant as any criticism is dismissed.
I would rip out Bananders heart and eat it. Like that film Ravenous with Guy Pierce and Robert Carlyle.
Free speech is a leftist value. @The Desert Fox V
@Maksim you are the mexicans of europe, primitive garbage that nobody wants.
Britain has had some semblance of free speech for ages, under the Tories.
Even if it is a leftist value, regardless it is a good value @Alric the Bretwalda
@Alric the Bretwalda i don't think many people believe what you say about me is true when you act like that
Tories don't care about your free speech. Nor is it a good value. @The Desert Fox V
@Biggie Cheese oh cool