Message from @ElectroquasistaticMagnetoMan
Discord ID: 621048124684763136
You lose automatically
Retarded flat earther strikes again <:xaxaxa:591188689410064414> <:smug:591181720565579807>
But burden of proof doesn’t fall on me
It falls on you
Who's the flat earthed then
@n i g g a Yes it is funny but you don't need to spam <:really:591181753625083905>
It doesn’t matter because I don’t care about the flat earth and I’m not discussing it
Sorry I was cracking up real hard<:lmao:591182326013100034> <:lmao:591182326013100034> <:lmao:591182326013100034> <:lmao:591182326013100034>
Bunch of clowns
Do you have a big red nose
You are trying to tell me the West is involved in slave trade yet you do not have any proof
My girlfriend has a red nose
He probably does from all the punches he gets from school
I bet you do
And big shoes
I'd smash
Even if it was the female version of IT?
A millennia old demon from outer space that eats little kids?
I agree.
I’d smash too
Do they taste good
I agree
Should I join
I’m just here reading my news paper
I think we can all agree
The right cafe
That fags and trannies should be sent to New Auchwitz