Message from @Asdrubal

Discord ID: 657684311600005120

2019-12-20 19:35:26 UTC  

Ok good

2019-12-20 19:40:38 UTC  

*actually has suicidal-penis disorder*

2019-12-20 19:41:08 UTC  


2019-12-20 19:43:42 UTC  

What the fuck

2019-12-20 19:45:14 UTC  


2019-12-20 19:46:26 UTC  

Adolphus strikes me as a pseudo intellectual

2019-12-20 19:46:33 UTC  

Who only gets his information from approved sourced

2019-12-20 19:46:50 UTC  

That is to say Wikipedia and Youtube personalities

2019-12-20 20:06:19 UTC  

@A Russian Bad Actor In that case, my words were unironic. <:Chad:591182354270257170>

2019-12-20 20:10:16 UTC  

Things divine are not attainable by mortals who understand sensual things.

2019-12-20 20:28:45 UTC  


2019-12-20 20:28:49 UTC  

wikipedia is controlled by the jews

2019-12-20 20:29:02 UTC  

despite the fact that they require sources

2019-12-20 20:29:12 UTC  

but really, let's be honest, all those sources are also controlled by the jews

2019-12-20 20:29:23 UTC  

gender =/= sex

2019-12-20 20:29:27 UTC  

not determined by chromosomes

2019-12-20 20:29:59 UTC  

the only sources that are legitimate are those that reinforce my beliefs

2019-12-20 20:38:29 UTC  

why are there more than 2 genders is what i ask
what typological distinctions warrant a third category?
and a continuum between the 2 genders doesn't really preclude classifying them as seperate
so idk

2019-12-20 20:41:50 UTC  

Gender was a social construct to fight communism

2019-12-20 20:42:35 UTC  

ok so??

2019-12-20 20:42:39 UTC  

It needs to be abolished due to its Jewish nature and origins

2019-12-20 20:42:51 UTC  

lmao based and redpilled take

2019-12-20 20:53:25 UTC  

Retard take

2019-12-20 20:53:37 UTC  

Women take care of children men work

2019-12-20 20:54:13 UTC  

@adolphus the sorrowful How did I know you were gay

2019-12-20 20:54:22 UTC  

Ask me how the FUCK did I know

2019-12-20 20:54:26 UTC  

Youre into trap porn

2019-12-20 20:55:25 UTC  

naw, shit

2019-12-20 20:55:37 UTC  

@OrthoGoat that was already set in place

2019-12-20 20:55:52 UTC  

Jews just made gender to fight communism and sell shit to us

2019-12-20 21:29:06 UTC  


2019-12-20 21:29:12 UTC  

tbh race and gender are pointless

2019-12-20 21:29:17 UTC  

we naturally stay with our own people

2019-12-20 21:43:43 UTC  

Gender is gay

2019-12-20 21:43:48 UTC  

Abolish gender

2019-12-20 21:58:30 UTC

2019-12-20 22:09:34 UTC  

Lighting McQueen for President

2019-12-20 22:09:47 UTC  


2019-12-20 22:09:58 UTC  

“Kachigga mein nigga.”