Message from @Enkrum

Discord ID: 657706239332974592

2019-12-20 20:42:35 UTC  

ok so??

2019-12-20 20:42:39 UTC  

It needs to be abolished due to its Jewish nature and origins

2019-12-20 20:42:51 UTC  

lmao based and redpilled take

2019-12-20 20:53:25 UTC  

Retard take

2019-12-20 20:53:37 UTC  

Women take care of children men work

2019-12-20 20:54:13 UTC  

@adolphus the sorrowful How did I know you were gay

2019-12-20 20:54:22 UTC  

Ask me how the FUCK did I know

2019-12-20 20:54:26 UTC  

Youre into trap porn

2019-12-20 20:55:25 UTC  

naw, shit

2019-12-20 20:55:37 UTC  

@OrthoGoat that was already set in place

2019-12-20 20:55:52 UTC  

Jews just made gender to fight communism and sell shit to us

2019-12-20 21:29:06 UTC  


2019-12-20 21:29:12 UTC  

tbh race and gender are pointless

2019-12-20 21:29:17 UTC  

we naturally stay with our own people

2019-12-20 21:43:43 UTC  

Gender is gay

2019-12-20 21:43:48 UTC  

Abolish gender

2019-12-20 21:58:30 UTC

2019-12-20 22:09:34 UTC  

Lighting McQueen for President

2019-12-20 22:09:47 UTC  


2019-12-20 22:09:58 UTC  

“Kachigga mein nigga.”

2019-12-20 22:10:12 UTC  

Chick Hicks for Führer.

2019-12-20 22:11:22 UTC

2019-12-20 22:13:35 UTC  
2019-12-20 22:50:12 UTC  

why not 88

2019-12-20 23:05:19 UTC  

@Spergerger there is no third category necessarily either. It's a social construct. There could be a million. I feel like you're conflating sex and gender, which describe two different phenomenon. Gender is defined as the relation of certain characteristics, masculine or feminine, to social and cultural norms

2019-12-20 23:05:47 UTC  

Im a gender abolitionist myself

2019-12-20 23:09:12 UTC  

@Spergerger when people like this talk about gender they mean the fake part that society imposes on people based on their biological sex, and the main point they're usually trying to make is that it's a fake thing society imposes on people so it can be whatever they want

2019-12-20 23:10:00 UTC  

Yeah it's never really explained what they mean

2019-12-20 23:10:31 UTC  

They're just like "no the words mean what I think they mean and I refuse to clarify"

2019-12-20 23:11:10 UTC  

Because to admit the definition most people use isn't the one they're using wouldn't be very helpful to their cause

2019-12-20 23:27:23 UTC  

But to answer your question about typology, intersex people exist

2019-12-20 23:28:40 UTC  
2019-12-20 23:29:08 UTC  

Things that are literally called birth defects are defects

2019-12-20 23:29:13 UTC  

That doesn't count as a sex

2019-12-20 23:29:16 UTC  

Fuck off

2019-12-20 23:35:12 UTC  

why is it always sub-beta males who lash out and white knights the hardest for against gender roles.

2019-12-20 23:38:21 UTC  

@adolphus the sorrowful So you're saying you're "intersex"

2019-12-20 23:38:27 UTC  

Or are into "intersex" people

2019-12-20 23:40:47 UTC  
