Message from @Andrew Williams
Discord ID: 383752159054921729
And that’s the point of propaganda is to show out ideology. This is the restoration of Americanism.
Did you mean Bioshock @IdentityIndiana
I don’t fucking play video games lol
Propaganda is marketing an ideology
I'm trying to sell people a way of thinking
((also I'm switching my degree from history to graphic design))
I just do it so much
Thought it might be a good idea
You’re good at it man
You have a promising future
That is if we can restore Americanism
It’s been poisoned and Jewed so badly I think it’s impossible
Why restore something when we could make something?
🆙 | **Andrew Williams leveled up!**
Also the idea of Americanism isn’t something to be proud of. All it means is race-mixing, consumerism and every sort of modern degeneracy
I don’t hate America I just hate what it turned into
Not the Americanism of the past. And yes I hate modern America. Suburbanism, consumerism, capitalism run rampant
But I think the culture can be purified easily
The Jew run corporations are what led us to this
All we need to do is stop their influence
It will take time but Americanism can be a thing again
True. It’s just that the entire world hates our country and I can’t help sometimes to share their hatred.
I used to be a self hating American myself.
That mindset is what led to the situation in Europe that is happening now
True. Europe is so unationalistic it’s sad
When I lived in Britain they all asked me “Why are you Americans so nationalistic? It’s the current year.”
When I say Americanism I mean manifest destiny empire of liberty imagery.
Not post 1965 nation of immigrants bullshit.
Britbongs aren't fundamentally European.
The snakes killed off Napoleon
Napoleon gave Jews rights
Based Jews in a tricolor hat
Nappy tried to unify Europe and be a god emperor
Napolean was the greatest thing that could have happened to France at that time. He was the Enlightenment personified and he was, quite frankly, a based fella