Message from @Waterdog
Discord ID: 335530481808572416
Yea that's a good idea for sure. Care to share the link?
Seems they line up with us on a lot but don't exactly have the goal of actually working towards establishing the mid west as a separate country. As we grow bigger we can work with them more for sure. I just don't see any activism there, more for just sharing news.
Where is Utah in this Midwestern Reich scenerio? We're 89.2% white and pretty religious(Mormon). Surely we can be best allies, and maybe even the center of some sort of West Reich with other states like Idaho & Montana.
We are focusing on the midwest as a region to avoid the problem the current white nationalist movement has as to making the entire united states an ethnic state. such a goal is too large to be realistically achieved. however we are open to people from other states being apart of this movement. I would love to have those states involved but making exceptions leads to making more, weve already have had to have a talk about Penn. so our offical stance is we do not plan at this time to include other states form outside the borders of the Midwest but all are welcome to be in the movement.
Nah I wasn't talking about including Utah in this Reich, just seeing what the attitude of this movement is to southwestern states that are currently trying to deal with the scourge of immigrants from south of the border.
Most of the threads I've seen recently i just thought of as a meme because of the existence of (((Chicago))), but I'm really starting to like the whole idea
Like is said in the current thread each region has its issues. Go too far out west and we have to build massive amounts of infrastructure, go too far south too many niggers. New England is too liberal. However the mid west had the right blind of majority white population and a massive right wing base.
The midwest truly does have the potential to become a shining beacon of western civilization if this trend of conservative gains continues.
Yea so you're more than welcome to stick around and contribute if you'd like. This isn't just for people in the Midwest but for all whites.
I'm going to make a youtube channel for our movement
to post all content to
I keep finding these. The same guy posts the thread everyday.
Good idea memelord. I'm not sure who this guy is but he's unresponsive in threads and uses our content. Not sure he's on our side or not.
Next time i see one, I'll post this discord in it.
I've done it each time I see one. Like idk what he's about. He posts this stuff but doesn't want to organize. Doesn't want to get involved with us, but doesn't start his own thing.
ok, shit level site Ive made up. post feedback and suggestions cause i dont really know what im doing.
It just goes to the main site
Yea noticed that after I left the house. I'll let you know when it's up
ok fam look it over pretty bare bones right now but gives us something to start with.
here's the fb link
also identity there's some typos in the website
Fuck. 🙄. Dm them to me
Whoever did the update on the our goal portion of the website did a good job.
did you post this memelord? I had one going earlier
Yes I posted it
good deal
You make this?
yes sir
Damn son
thanks man, just trying to keep putting content out there
How's it going, guys? Anyone on?
think its kinda dead right now, but everyone this is the guy who were posting all those other threads on /pol/. really happy to have him working along with us
@everyone who up?
sup fam