Message from @Andrew Williams
Discord ID: 339228733573431297
Can we build Germanica on the Upper Peninsula
dont know if that would be the most strategic place for a capitol so close to Canada and all
>Revitalize Detroit
Lol you're going to have to deal with a loooooot of niggers first
if a couple of you want to post to the thread would be appreciated, going a little slow.
yes pls do
Guys!!! Kurt Eichenwald was arrested!!
Serves that cuck right
what. the. fuck
he has me blocked on twitter too lol
He's going full damage control on twitter right now
screen shots plz. I made one too many tentacle porn jokes.
Top kek
duh south wil riiiise agayun
Hey, how's it going? Can someone walk me through the vetting process?
You are vetted till they say you are ubermench!
Nah jk
I'm already ubermensch
to quote @IdentityIndiana "Basically we're feeling you out. When we're comfortable with you and trust you a bit more well let you into the other roles."
Alright, sounds good
Uhls you from Wisconsin?
where at little nigga
Am I the only Illinoisan in here?
FIBs are bad
Im from NW Indiana which might as well be illinois
I'm far north in Illinois though. Not even five minutes in the right direction and I'm in Wisconsin
I go to Lake Delavan a lot
Monroe County, you?
marathon county
Wood county in Marshfield.