Message from @Guy Führereri🔥

Discord ID: 353011163556216843

2017-09-01 02:27:07 UTC  

Alright all going to hit the hay. My dm's are always open if you have questions/ suggestions, answer will just come tomorrow. Goodnight y'all.

2017-09-01 02:30:16 UTC  

Goodnight fam. Sieg heil

2017-09-01 02:41:34 UTC  

Reporting in for a night shift between fog and cold

2017-09-01 02:42:14 UTC  

Where U at

2017-09-01 02:42:32 UTC  

Southern michigan, lord help me.

2017-09-01 02:43:32 UTC  

I'm gonna have to call it a day. Goodnight all, 14/88, Sieg Heil

2017-09-01 02:43:54 UTC  

goodnight wolf, good sleep and such.

2017-09-01 02:47:46 UTC  

So something's been weighing on my mind. I think I've touched upon a poisonous vein that's been throbbing through my life, and i imagine that of many others: the death of passion. No, i'm not talking about tousled hair and sweaty twilight, or even stolen kisses and fluttering lashes, though that comes to bear as well.'s just the general aspect of passion in life, everything from what we do and how we think, and most importantly, how we interact.

2017-09-01 02:50:12 UTC  

Oh lord, rust is off again...i apologize, but i am what i am, in the end. No, what's been weighing on me is the snide, sarcastic, ironic and generally cold sort of personality that seems to be breeding endemic in every aspect of the modern world. Nobody commits to anything totally...there's always a snigger and a wink, a snide, behind the hand whisper to back up ones statement or action. It's always an emulation of passion, of honest feeling and expression, never the real deal, no, not that.

2017-09-01 02:52:27 UTC  

We've been muzzled. We've been made into actors of life, not actual living people. It's impossible to speak openly, or with passion, without a backward glance to the crowd, to make sure one isn't doing the wrong thing, speaking too strongly. Everything must carry a tone of irony or sarcasm, so if someone squeals or points, one can easily cast it aside.

2017-09-01 02:53:23 UTC  

I think <#340927704100765706> would be a better place to post

2017-09-01 02:54:27 UTC  

Think of this: when have you honestly greeted someone with real, honest cheer and companionship? In my youth i remember going to church, and the morning greetings would roll around. It was often dry...but some, some would grasp your hand, smile, and make you feel like a friend, even if you'd never seen or spoken before. Such a small thing, so silly and simple...but when did you feel, or do, it last?

2017-09-01 02:54:48 UTC  

<#340927704100765706> Ni🅱 🅱 a

2017-09-01 02:55:15 UTC  

Guy, i agree, and I'm working on not sure if essay is correct. Just...needed to speak, i suppose, please forgive any slight, it wasn't intended.

2017-09-01 02:55:24 UTC  


2017-09-01 02:55:48 UTC  

So goys how does this look?

2017-09-01 02:56:06 UTC  

Anything I should add?

2017-09-01 02:56:56 UTC  

That's kinda nice...seems to catch to the old colony vibe of things. I always thought we should have a cog in our flag somewhere. We're not called the rust belt for no reason...we should celebrate our history of industry, and hope for its rebirth. My two cents, anyway.

2017-09-01 02:57:48 UTC  

I was thinking of adding stars, but I couldn't find any good pngs

2017-09-01 03:00:01 UTC  

I onetime made this as a libertarian fascism

2017-09-01 03:00:20 UTC  


2017-09-01 03:00:40 UTC  

*F A S C I S M*

2017-09-01 03:01:55 UTC  

Never heard of Libertarian Fascism?

2017-09-01 03:03:17 UTC  

Btw rustpoet that was *not* a sarcastic reaction

2017-09-01 03:04:13 UTC  

Libertarian fascism is the founding ethos of the USA

2017-09-01 03:04:33 UTC  


2017-09-01 03:04:36 UTC  

@midwestreich that's not to say there's anything inherently wrong with sarcasm or irony, just that it's bubbled up a bit too strong. No worries to be had.

2017-09-01 03:05:54 UTC  

"I onetime made this as a Libertarian Fascism"- @Rhalitra-WI, 2017

2017-09-01 03:06:16 UTC  

As a libertarian Fascist flag

2017-09-01 03:06:26 UTC  

Sorry forgot to finish the sentence.

2017-09-01 03:06:59 UTC  

I'm sorry the grammar just made me burst out laughing

2017-09-01 03:07:03 UTC  

I'm never sure where my political compass lies. I'm more sad-leaning then anything else. Just want things to be halfway decent and to generally be left alone in my day-to-day. Harvest Moon with WiFi, that's my general end goal...

2017-09-01 03:07:22 UTC  


2017-09-01 03:09:33 UTC  

...always adds a moment of punctuation to a night dominated by the sound of a nation smoldering and general introspection when a fucking cat decides to kill and eat a rabbit not too far from an open widow...goddamn...

2017-09-01 03:09:59 UTC  

*W O A H*

2017-09-01 03:11:12 UTC  

I think i jumped about a foot. Have you ever heard a rabbit dying? it sounds like a child, a small one, being tortured to death. Don't look it up on youtube unless you want to hear that, but it carries special weight when you're the last one left awake...

2017-09-01 03:11:40 UTC  

Yeah and?

2017-09-01 03:11:57 UTC  

Look man, things happen in nature

2017-09-01 03:13:13 UTC  

Very much so, and i respect the cycle of things, grew up in the country, and helped butcher many a deer in my youth. I love the flow of nature, even the gory bits....just perhaps not in my shrubs at 11:00 at night...

2017-09-01 03:13:30 UTC  


2017-09-01 03:13:43 UTC  

Its 10 where I'm at