Message from @Andrew Williams

Discord ID: 355568609784889346

2017-09-08 00:35:39 UTC  


2017-09-08 00:37:57 UTC  

I'm taking US history too

2017-09-08 00:40:07 UTC  

you two even looking at chat

2017-09-08 00:44:51 UTC  


2017-09-08 00:44:56 UTC  


2017-09-08 00:46:12 UTC  

chad nationalist

2017-09-08 01:01:05 UTC  

For hallway patrolers you'd want a squad with MP 40's..... MG 42 is hardly portable right?

2017-09-08 01:03:16 UTC  

If some hairy feminist asks about your haricut, just tell the cunt you are in Arcade Fire.

2017-09-08 01:05:07 UTC  


2017-09-08 01:47:49 UTC  

Yeah lol

2017-09-08 03:19:21 UTC  

what do you greasy goyim think about what I think will be my first tattoo? (the hammer and sword will be black too)

2017-09-08 03:20:35 UTC  

Tattoos are kinda degenerate tbh

2017-09-08 03:22:46 UTC  

even if they're volkisch?

2017-09-08 03:24:09 UTC  

What I will get eventually get on me

2017-09-08 03:26:01 UTC  

@Weaponized Goebbels the only thing I don't like about fasces is that they arent symetrical

2017-09-08 03:26:59 UTC  

I know right

2017-09-08 04:20:32 UTC  

@everyone @here

Anti-Fa and other radical Communist organizations have openly announced they plan a nationwide action beginning on November 5th.

My dear uncle has said that he has it on very good authority that on November 7th they plan to move against everyone they have doxxed in a violent manner. This is the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution that toppled Imperial Russia.

You can assume that you are on this list if you were in Charlottesville or have been otherwise doxxed.

This is why out of the hundreds of leftists with cameras there almost none of them have released footage and photos, because they are using them to construct a dossier on us.

2017-09-08 04:20:37 UTC  

Someone pin this

2017-09-08 04:21:34 UTC  

@here ^

2017-09-08 04:22:26 UTC  

I hope every last Communist laying in a pool of their own piss and blood

2017-09-08 04:22:42 UTC  

I hope everyone has a good weekend and goes to church on Sunday!

2017-09-08 04:22:59 UTC  


2017-09-08 04:23:13 UTC  


2017-09-08 04:23:28 UTC  


2017-09-08 04:24:10 UTC  


2017-09-08 04:24:18 UTC  

>ur gf

2017-09-08 04:29:24 UTC

2017-09-08 04:29:46 UTC  

*D R I V E*

2017-09-08 04:30:33 UTC

2017-09-08 04:44:03 UTC  

@everyone has everyone in here had their bleeding penis sucked by a rabbi?

2017-09-08 04:44:11 UTC  

because circumcision has wonderful health bennefits

2017-09-08 04:44:12 UTC  


2017-09-08 04:44:19 UTC  

you can read all about them in my favorite book, the Talmud

2017-09-08 04:44:21 UTC  

Every day m8

2017-09-08 04:44:33 UTC  


2017-09-08 04:45:05 UTC  

>tfw the Rabbi gives you the succ

2017-09-08 04:45:10 UTC  

<:Hit2:354723032750882818> <:Hit2:354723032750882818> <:Hit2:354723032750882818> <:Hit2:354723032750882818> <:Hit2:354723032750882818>

2017-09-08 04:45:53 UTC  

<:v_:354722734623948821> The Virgin Uncircumcised

2017-09-08 04:46:03 UTC  

<:chad:354722734808498178> The Chad Rabbi

2017-09-08 04:46:24 UTC