Message from @Weaponized Goebbels
Discord ID: 358643289898876928 made a bread
At a football game now pretty lit
The Virgin South Korea <:v_:354722734623948821>
The Chad North Korea <:chad:354722734808498178>
No one posted on the thread yet
Hope they win, we need to break up big tech
I have been trying to make thread's on pol about it and I keep getting called a commie.
I am a fucking national capitalist not a corperatist.
Monopolies have been a cancer on this nation for 130+ years
I agree big tech companies need to be broken up like bell in the 1980s
>tfw not Capitalist cuck
Big tech companies and their monopolies are ruining competition in the markets and suppressing free flow of I information.
Currently making a christmas list and i've never felt more bourgeouis
Gas the corporations small business war now
anyone want to VC?
@SongBird sorry man, VCing with another chat rn
I will VC
I'm on
I know it's late so I'm not going to do an @ at anyone or group. I know a lot of changes and chaos has happen within the group this last week. With my hands dealing with personal issues and issues dealing with the group within an external manner I have not been able to be here to offer my guiding hand. For that I apologize. I cannot offer my 24/7 support of the group. I unfortunately have a life outside of it and I wish I could dedicate all my time to this and form it into what i want it to be. These last couple months have been hard for us. We lost our site after getting a ton of traffic and people wanting to join. People from groups outside of our organization have been doxed, but have found their way here. It sucks. I know. But we also gained a lot. We doubled our members within this group and we will continue to grow.
Our homeland is here. This soil we stand on ,our children and grandchildren will play and grow up on. This is our home. We civilized, built upon, and past down this land. It is ours by birthright and it will stay that way by the last gasp of air in my lungs. The Midwest is our home, it is where you belong. Hail victory brothers and sisters. This is your home.
✋ <:MidlanderJack:354367422947655682> Hail victory
Hail Victory. And don't worry about not being here Indy. Family comes first and we understand you had to deal with some stuff get in goys
who wants to VC later?
Can't out with gf
@SongBird sure
There's a butt hurt orange cuck on thread
I'm going to give a fellow Midwesterner a link to the server
He's /ourguy/ trust me
Kk m8
Got my first car today goys