Message from @twistmoth
Discord ID: 637399020658229249
iirc even has some midwest emo kind of riffs as well
the album is just ok atm well see fam
The 29th spirit in order is Named Astaroth, he is a Mighty & strong duke, & appeareth in [the] forme of an unbeautifull angel, ridding on an Infernall like dragon, and carring in his right hand a viper (you must not lett him come to neare yu least he doe yu damage by his stinking Breath.) Therefore ye Exorcist must hold ye Magicall Ring50 nere to his face and yt will defend him he giveth true answares of things present past & to come & can discover all secreets; he will declare willingly how ye spirits fell, if desired, & ye reason of his own fall. He can make men wounderfull knowing in all Liberall siences; he ruleth 40 Legions of spirits, his seal is as this [shown], wch weare as a Lamen before yu, or else he will not obey you.
t!rep @sky daddy
🆙 | **Mister has given @sky daddy a reputation point!**
Can anyone tell me what is missing from the description?
@Cooper this the song me and mush talkin about but the bmth one is good too
When you try to show someone something but there's still porn open on your phone browser
i thought you said "when you die and there's porn on your phone"
Oh before I die in going to air out all my dirty laundry
well yeah
airing out dirty laundry generally gets one killed
It's not that dirty
let the brown snake slide
There's a guy at this coffee shop who makes me really uncomfortable
And he is nice but he's always on my case
And I'm avoiding eye contact because he's going to sit with me
you should prolly
ram ur 13 foot pole
up his pooper
He's this middle aged guy with Asperger's and I enjoy hearing people's stories that's why I come here but this guy takes it too far
He said he wants to take me to his place and show me erotic poetry
But I can't be mean to him
@baluigiWelcome to Xyzygy! For rules and information, please check <#618970630296961035>. There are now **811** members on the server.
what's this can't
He's just a lot
I'm the monke
>middle aged
>works at a coffee shop
>writes erotic poetry
You should send him a server invite hed probly enjoy it here