Message from @Rasenemus
Discord ID: 277125741798490123
I never use it
Lemme pull up more quotes from said Antifa Transperson
I have Twitter exclusively to watch trump tweets
"and political views are not something u can discriminate against
free speech should be censored
shouldnt be free
white nationalist propaganda"
Holy shit
This is a real person?
"She"'s a former professional League player
"no you can't be intolerant of intolerant people
just like u can't assault someone who is already assaulting you
it's defense
killing a nazi is prevention"
I would say he probably won't listen to reason
Anything is nazi to leftists
But Styxnstones makes a point about not just cracking commie skulls
I think I'll get a sweet captain America shield for when l go commie busting
Hard to call captain America a nazi
"punching nazis is a good thing
they are intolerant pieces of shit
that should be lit on fire
they chose to believe that evil platform"
That's a fanatic
Like textbook
There honestly won't be real fighting
just proxy skirmishes
Liberal, it's good that you are here
it's a battle of ideologies
It's best that theres always someone to challenge our belief
If we have no one to challenge our beliefs, we are collectively a hive mind
It's good that there is a mix of opinions
Rasenemus - Yesterday at 10:00 PM
What would you like to see the Left organize in to, and what do you think the most important goals are?
ScYx17 - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
the end to nationstates
justice for all people based on what they do and what they say with their life
not based on how they were born
or the lifestyle they live
fairness and a unified effort to push science forward
violently gulag and kill all those who oppose that because they are opposing justice and fairness for everyone
no matter what their reasons are
until we colonize other planets
at which point
no one will care about nationstates or nationalism or race anymore
Because again, if we all had a common belief
We'd be living in some sort of 1984 world
Go ahead
For what reason?
>Advises us not to go to the extremes
I'll just hire some McMercenaries™ and Royal Burger King Guardsmen™ to kill you
Lol, how can right wingers even compete?
Like I said
it's a battle of ideologies
not a real war