Message from @Mariya Takeuchi
Discord ID: 546874380832079933
This land has been claimed by <:ancap:521375203893182472>
Pay your taxes or face the state
ancaps are just a bunch of pedophiles <:heh:462427722614964225>
Unironically yes
but #NotAll
i have met not a single ancap that does not support either pedophilia or slavery
ancaps arent even real anarchists
slavery is based and redpilled
they are neo-feudalists
anarchism as a philosophy is against hierarchy
of all kinds
ancap is totalitarian and fucking gay
Wanting to destroy this state and build a land of ultimate freedom of association is anarchism, even if not following the original idea
it does not follow the philosophy of anarchy
if i told you i wanted to abolish private property, will i still be a liberal?
Yo I’m new here
then again, communism is literally direct democracy
You may still be a libtard
well anyways, ancaps arent anarchists
alamy stock photo is nazbol
if ancaps would join us to fight fascism
that would be legitimately cool
but they always fucking join the side of the nazis at rallies
ancaps love opression
Do you have anything to say