Message from @Orwell
Discord ID: 546877121537114135
I wasn't making a statement that anarcho communism was anti-technology, just that you're not really a rebel if you use products from apple and google, or microsoft
@The Big Oof its almost like being a communist dosent mean you abolish the means of production
Maybe hes the center of every party and activity donor <:thonk:520003926381166597>
@Mariya Takeuchi I'm literally not making an argument like that
you want to say communists are hypocrites for having expensive stuff
Well yeah
Live your philosophy otherwise ur a hypocrite
You support a decentralized society, therefore you should support decentralized software @Mariya Takeuchi
That is the hypocrisy I am calling
@Mariya Takeuchi they’re hypocrites for supporting elements of capitalism
Well, that's not the argument I'm making
A true anarchist is a Linux user, change my mind
Fucking apple cuck
A true anarchist has no OS
well there is not much other software available, and i do not like linux
A true anarchist makes his own OS <:thonk:520003926381166597>
>opposes billionaires
>doesn't like Linux
I think this one is a capitalist, boys
Linux is fascism
Not really any genuine reason to dislike Linux as an anarchist
or not to use it
when we own the means of production, we will just continue making iphones lmao
i like my iphone thank you very much
Ancoms are proprietary cucks
im not an ancom
A true chad uses open source software
im an ansynd
this is just a meme
There will never be iphones without cheap slave labour, but I guess it would still exist anyway
iPhones suck
Why not just
Make ur own phone<:thonk:520003926381166597>
you can create them here in the US @Bearer Of The Curse
>wants the workers to own the means of production
>uses proprietary software
wew lad
It's not the same thing, you must make them for 5$
Or pass your phone as an heirloom
Nokia will last at least 10 generations