Message from @The Big Oof
Discord ID: 546878309334777866
Why not just
Make ur own phone<:thonk:520003926381166597>
you can create them here in the US @Bearer Of The Curse
>wants the workers to own the means of production
>uses proprietary software
wew lad
It's not the same thing, you must make them for 5$
Or pass your phone as an heirloom
Nokia will last at least 10 generations
iPhones and Macs exist to take advantage of the tech illiterate folk
>using some capitalist product that exploits workers and is intentionally nerfed to keep selling
>not making your own better smartphone
They are made for stupid people, and sold to stupid people
I mean it's true
i do not own a mac tho
that would be very gay indeed
There are reasons to own a Mac and an iPhone, but 90% of apple buyers don't buy them for valid reasons
I would rather program on macOS than Windows
for example
thats interesting
but im not into programming
State mandated open source software
strasserism is shit
this is non-nat chat
@The Big Oof and programming guilds
Justice for the Coders
Also, abolish patents
Any piece of tech that can be open source should be open source
Change my mind
@Mariya Takeuchi strasserism is literally the cool kid of left wing ideologies, every left nationalist Iβve seen is sympathetic
Nazbol will replace Strasserism as the cool kid
Nazbol and strasserism are the cool twins actually
it's not tho
being left wing is about getting rid of oppression
the only left wing part of strasserism is that it's state-capitalist, it's bascically the USSR if it decided to keep Eastern Orthodox as state-religion
@Mariya Takeuchi I can tell all your knowledge of the ideology is gathered through memes
the virgin anarchist versus the chad state socialist
Oh wrong emote
If we had more anarchist cucks, I wouldn't be intruding here
The funny thing about anarchy is that its the easiest way for the true chads to come to power
Anarchy is just a form of Chads and freaks to kill people while don't violating the NAP