Message from @V-NAF_Aardist
Discord ID: 524341749523546123
?rank Nationalist
<:dynoError:314691684455809024> That rank doesn't exist.
why there isn't ethno nat
?rank Left
@V-NAF_Aardist, you joined **Left**.
Just use Other Nationalist
?rank Socialist
@V-NAF_Aardist, you joined **Socialist**.
?rank Christian
@V-NAF_Aardist, you joined **Christian**.
?rank other nationalist
?rank monarchist
the roles are still under creation
?rank european
@V-NAF_Aardist, you joined **North American**.
Ethno nat and fascist go under Other Nationalist
Don't want to risk a TOS takedown
how is ethno nationalism against TOS
Because Discord is gay
But there's Totalitarian
It's not actually in their terms of service per se
I mean, if you aren't some crazy dude who wants to exterminate people according to race
Totalitarian could be for the memes
But they define their tos however they want
it's really gay
can I have *separatist*
they apply it very liberally
well, can you at least add cultural nationalist?
Civ nat
is there
that isn't civ nat
?rank Fedora Tipper
civ nat and cultural nationalism are different things