Message from @MrrSlebderttendors

Discord ID: 651731258824720384

2019-11-15 20:28:02 UTC  

I'm assuming this is appropriate channel for this

2019-11-15 20:29:16 UTC  

What does it mean when there's a woman in my dream being very lusty and outright saying she wants to have to sex me but me refusing because she gives an air that makes believe she wants to kill me

2019-11-21 13:28:06 UTC  

Me and my gf dreamt of each other a few days ago

2019-11-21 13:28:22 UTC  

Very similar dreams with the exception of the place we were

2019-11-21 13:28:29 UTC  

What does it mean?

2019-11-22 14:53:33 UTC  

Had a dream there were rats all inside my fridge, so I put down a huge mousetrap to kill them. Though I accidentally chopped off the head of my penis.

2019-11-22 14:54:34 UTC  

Afterwards a spirit gave me an ultimatum, either live without the head of my penis, and have a normal functioning cock. Or fixed my penis and I’ll never be able to cum again.

2019-11-22 14:54:53 UTC  

Afterwards I woke up, and I still cannot make a decision

2019-11-23 00:44:18 UTC  

man i had this cool as dream
was playing like halo (except not like me-playing-halo as much as just halo was playing) on some map with lots of water sorta like shores n stuff fighting these small tank sorta things and these tall walker things and the coolest bit was most of the time i was in this ghost that had a banshee bomb secondary so i was just smashing everything with the banshee bomb thing. there was some other multiperson vehicle i used to take this princess or whatever i had to vip around throuh the place

2019-11-30 13:09:28 UTC  

I had a dream I was a Japanese marksman, and I was in a gunfight with a Korean guy. We both ran out of ammo shooting at each other so I rushed at him. I put the gun in his mouth and asked him if he believed in god. Before pulling the gun from me and killing me, he said this:

2019-11-30 13:09:41 UTC  

“God is many things, a hero he is not”

2019-12-03 15:50:28 UTC

2019-12-03 15:51:14 UTC

2019-12-03 15:51:28 UTC  

i have both these tracks if anyone wants them for better sleep

2019-12-03 15:51:43 UTC  

both are about ~50MB each, so id have to upload it to somewhere to transfer

2019-12-03 15:52:35 UTC  

both come from the monroe institute's brand for binural beats called hemi sync, they lead a lot of the tech for binural beats and i stand by their products

2019-12-04 10:26:29 UTC  

I woke up in the dream and as I see the sky I see a flood of light in the shape of a cross — but not a cross I had ever seen before. It's like the current cross, the gnostic one AND an unknown one had a baby. I was scared by this. But besides that I don't remember anything after.

Also, the day before I had a bizarre dream where I found Anthony fantano in eastern Europe and as I went further into the cold jungle which they have I became possesed. In the dream after all had happened people were telling me I was acting strange

2019-12-04 10:27:06 UTC  

A little help with sorting out this dream and the one before

2019-12-04 10:27:20 UTC  

would be greatly appreciated

hmm.. well, i thought i'd share, since is the most vivid one i had ever experienced.
I was in a hallway, a normal one. I had 3 coins in my left hand. In a split second, i was chocking on those 3 coins. I could feel them stuck in my throat. But i wasn't choking. I was...breathing, with them in my neck. Again in a split second I'm in a dark room with random furniture. I wasn't alone, there was someone else in the dark. I couldn's see who. Then, i dropped those 3 coins on the floor, in a manner of losing them. This..thing went and tried to grab those 3 coins. But it couldn't. I was faster. Everytime. Mind you this happened a few times in a row.Can't say an exact number. Everytime i grabbed the coins and i had them safely in my hands, everything would reset and same thing would happen again. And then i woke up.
Some help with this dream would be highly appreciated.

2019-12-04 10:31:06 UTC  

Perhaps Is related to your work life

i don't have a job.

2019-12-04 10:32:03 UTC  

Never said you did

2019-12-04 10:32:31 UTC  

Even when you don't have a job implicitly have a "work life"

2019-12-04 10:32:40 UTC  

Call it work dimension

hmm ok. go on

2019-12-04 10:33:41 UTC  

Do you feel not pleased with It or that perhaps the idea of not winning any money Is in a Sense making you tense?





2019-12-04 10:39:32 UTC  

This even might be a desire to fullfill yourself economically but at the same time be afraid of the consequences of becoming economically wealthy

2019-12-04 10:41:37 UTC  

I kinda connect the coins with economical properties rather than something else given that swallowing them led you to "appear" in a Random house with furniture in it, an adquisition — but with an unwanted thing in it

2019-12-04 10:41:42 UTC  


2019-12-04 10:42:04 UTC  

If it resonates with you good, if not then most likely i'm wrong

the only good thing was that i didn't lose the coins. And frankly i was at peace when i encountered that thing and when i had the coins in my neck.And i don't remember swallowing them.

your help is appreciated.

2019-12-12 17:42:31 UTC  

@chonkyfire Could you send me those two tracks please? I would REALLY love to have them ❤️

2019-12-12 17:43:26 UTC  

@MrrSlebderttendors ofc, remind me in ~8 hours since ill be home by then