
Discord ID: 618168602948010004

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What's the soul of a man in this materialistic and deterministic society tho THAN not his wallet and semen?

Well technically now society determines a lot of traits on individuals via framing them with some scientific claim in a lot of cases - psychosocial or economical claims also

Via psychosocial and economical claims I mean for example: You are Jhon, and jhon is a low income worker that also has a fucked up upbringing and perhaps even a chemical imbalance. Also, he has a lot of weird health issues that, for what we've found out, are related with gene methylation and that's why he behaves erratically and violently.

I can give a lot of reasons why people function like they do

but what it matters is how you act regardless of what I frame you as

If you wanna look it like that, sure

Why is it not an ad hominem? You are calling me autistic as a derrogatory adjective to all the shit I said

English is not my first language and I fuck with grammar sometimes @DukeOfPearlDiving

That reminded me of neural network art lol

*Avarege asian woman after the menopause

I mean, asian men don't have many "testosterone" driven traits nowadays. But then you also have mishima :

@tsutsuki Hey you are spiting cum from your mouth, watch the floor

@tsutsuki You are spitting straight cum to the carpet rn

Well, japs invented yaoi after all

Isn't a form of sepuku getting fucked in the ass? @0099

Bolivia is not really that bad, the problem is evo morales

he is one of the most retarded presidents I've seen but he gets a free pass because he is ethnic

even tho he treats all the tribes of the amazon like shit

Imagine giving this to the pope unironically

"I'm giving you the symbol of an ideology that despises christianity and catholisism - love you xoxo"

The world is literally like it is right now because people still somewhat think high IQ people can't do retarded shit

Imagine flexing on something you didn't even earn like IQ

that's the intellectual equivalent of flexing on the lambo that your dad owns

Who says that we should let latinos in random nations? Dude if anything, I'm against letting latinos just migrate to first world countries so they can be used as cogs in the corporatist system we already are having - what a lot of "activists" don't get is that if you wanna help "brown people" for your sociology class, you don't help them just by letting them in and just let them "adapt", you help them by trying to aid them in developing their own structures in their country and making their "home" better

Technically, all the massive influx of latinos into the states and from third world countries is stealing the man power of those nations

I never said ones anaconda to give them just economical aid and let it be it

First world nations have tried that with africa

You are implying first world countries are having economical success but you are ridden with debt, social instability, lack of meaning in every corner, chronic illness and fucked up birth rates

>inb4 but we don't live in mud huts

@El Julien We have that mainly because we adapted to a globalistic mindset. We are technically in a taxi cab that we can't simply get out ยฟHablai espaรฑol?

@El Julien Mientras escribo todo se quema al lado mio por las protestas lol

@El Julien Igual los policias son unas ratas de mierda. Fui al centro de la ciudad y estan disparando a civiles con armas de fuego (No balas de goma) y aparte tirando lacrimogenas a diestra y siniestra. Tambien los pacos estan robando lol

@El Julien A este nivel? Loco, no se si te das cuenta pero todas las estaciones de metro, (casi todas la verdad) mas de 48 estan quemadas, la torre Entel y enel quemadas y esto no esta pasando solo en santiago sino tambien en regiones. Mira, honestamente, es bkn que hagan protestas y todo, pero: "Esta bien quemar la choza de madera cuando esta llena de termitas, pero tienes que tener un plano para construir una nueva cuando toda esa leรฑa se queme"

Also, people really proyect their deepest demons in moments like this unto "the enemy"

Liberty without responsability means jack shit. Actually, USA should make next to the statue of liberty the statue of responsability

Shit is insane right now, just got back home.

I trully don't know how things are going to be tomorrow

hope this city (country) doesn't burn to the ground

You look like a suburban e-boy that got way too mixed up with steven crowders and kantian rethoric @Major Slow

*"I'm more handsome, smarter and wealthier than you - vibe check"*

Alright guys don't be mean this is me

@tsutsuki From time to time, I browsed more 8chan than anything

4chan right now, unless it's blue boards, it's shit

*" I've contained my rage for as long as poissible, but I shall unleashe my fury upon you like the crushing of a thousand waves! Be gone, vile man!, Be gone from me! A sarter car! This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The Golden God! I am unteathered and my rage knows no bounds!"*

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