Message from @Dead Sausage

Discord ID: 647449601212809227

2019-11-07 23:45:37 UTC  

In the dream, I was able to communicate with animals in it telepathically. There was a large black wild stallion that came from out of the wilderness to run a race with some trained racing horses, which I never saw, I only knew they existed because the stallion told me he could easily beat them in the race, being a wild one. Once he left, and ran the race and won, he came back to me and laid down on the ground resting. A large black bear came from behind me, having much respect for the horse and I, while the horse was relaxed and not in fear of the bear, nor was I. The three of us were at peace with one another.

2019-11-07 23:46:43 UTC  

I have a few other dreams, which I had a couple years ago, that I would prefer not to post here due to the subjects in context, BTW. Which has cause me to feel mission driven, since.

2019-11-08 01:05:15 UTC  

@Truth Prevails hmmm so this is my take:

The stallion that you saw is the inner, wild, and charismatic portion of yourself that isn't present all the time in your interactions but is present regularly in your overall perception. The other trained horses are the different aspects of yourself that are normally in play and somewhat disciplined in that they're running around the track and they're trained in what they do. Your inner self was coming forward and reacquainting itself with your the part of you that's dreaming (in this case, your frontal egoic consciousness). The bear is very interesting. The bear typically represents noble, curious creatures, capable of great feats but also capable of great non-action and being associated with balance. The black bear matching the dark color of the horse is also an indicator here. I believe the bear is another deeper, "True" higher aspects of yourself. This one isn't as interested in making itself known as the archetypal horse (which have more energy and tend to be more amped up and loud, vs the more laid back bear). The bear shows respect, being an aspect of you ergo a sibling of the horse. The peace was truly peace; a unity of sorts between a more excited, extroverted aspect (horse) with a more subdued, introverted aspect (bear).

2019-11-08 01:09:45 UTC  

Awesome. Does sound like you have some really great insight, many aspects I hadn't considered. Hopefully you will allow me to DM the other dream, it seems very important. It rises above all others in my awareness, even after all this time.

2019-11-08 01:10:44 UTC  

Having also a close connection to another dream which followed it, they kinda seemed intertwined.

2019-11-08 01:13:57 UTC  

Sure feel free to DM if you'd like

2019-11-08 01:14:27 UTC  

I tried, but it wouldn't allow me to. Unless you changed something.

2019-11-08 01:15:42 UTC  


2019-11-08 01:16:15 UTC  

I will here in a couple hours, I gotta take care of some things first. Thanks BTW.

2019-11-08 01:21:39 UTC  

Yea only friends can DM me but I accepted your friend request earlier

2019-11-08 01:27:57 UTC  


2019-11-08 04:04:53 UTC  

I had a dream I was given a letter and the letter told me to "come". So, I went off somewhere and arrived at some weird building where there was this really tall guy with really long blond straight hair. He looked kind of similar to the elf king from LOTR but his face was different a bit. DIdn't have the thick eyebrows and the rest I am not sure I didn't look at him too much. I knew him somehow. I was a tall female elf with red hair similar to the red haired chick from LOTR or hobbit. I didn't want to look at him. He was like "You're here" I said "You told me to come, so I came" "What of dying?" At this point, it was strange because I didn't know what dying meant I asked "What of dying?" In my mind it was like an object or some concept I did not understand. He seemed annoyed with me but we proceeded. He had a huge ass spear and I had no weapon but magic. I could create these sort of geometric prismatic matrix type of shields and off we went to war with what I don't recall.

2019-11-14 05:23:34 UTC  

had a dream i got an eruption of rash all over my body and some of my skin patches had necrosis, i wrapped myself in a blankie to hide it but it was starting to show on my face and one was on my eye as well,, and there were bugs coming out of all my body orifices and the only way i could kill them was crushing them, so i wrapped a towel around my knuckles and kept punching at them until my knuckles bruised and i could feel the texture of their bodies against my skin

2019-11-14 07:02:47 UTC  

So anyome else dream of sabatoging a musem with austin powers then going for ice cream afterwards? I jave no ieea what's going on now.

2019-11-14 13:05:38 UTC  

I dreamt I seen the sunrise and a plant started to open its flowers and leaves and then a tree did too and I wanted to take a picture but my phone was too far away and it happened too fast. It was a good dream tho.

2019-11-15 20:28:02 UTC  

I'm assuming this is appropriate channel for this

2019-11-15 20:29:16 UTC  

What does it mean when there's a woman in my dream being very lusty and outright saying she wants to have to sex me but me refusing because she gives an air that makes believe she wants to kill me

2019-11-21 13:28:06 UTC  

Me and my gf dreamt of each other a few days ago

2019-11-21 13:28:22 UTC  

Very similar dreams with the exception of the place we were

2019-11-21 13:28:29 UTC  

What does it mean?

2019-11-22 14:53:33 UTC  

Had a dream there were rats all inside my fridge, so I put down a huge mousetrap to kill them. Though I accidentally chopped off the head of my penis.

2019-11-22 14:54:34 UTC  

Afterwards a spirit gave me an ultimatum, either live without the head of my penis, and have a normal functioning cock. Or fixed my penis and I’ll never be able to cum again.

2019-11-22 14:54:53 UTC  

Afterwards I woke up, and I still cannot make a decision

2019-11-23 00:44:18 UTC  

man i had this cool as dream
was playing like halo (except not like me-playing-halo as much as just halo was playing) on some map with lots of water sorta like shores n stuff fighting these small tank sorta things and these tall walker things and the coolest bit was most of the time i was in this ghost that had a banshee bomb secondary so i was just smashing everything with the banshee bomb thing. there was some other multiperson vehicle i used to take this princess or whatever i had to vip around throuh the place

2019-11-30 13:09:28 UTC  

I had a dream I was a Japanese marksman, and I was in a gunfight with a Korean guy. We both ran out of ammo shooting at each other so I rushed at him. I put the gun in his mouth and asked him if he believed in god. Before pulling the gun from me and killing me, he said this:

2019-11-30 13:09:41 UTC  

“God is many things, a hero he is not”

2019-12-03 15:50:28 UTC

2019-12-03 15:51:14 UTC

2019-12-03 15:51:28 UTC  

i have both these tracks if anyone wants them for better sleep

2019-12-03 15:51:43 UTC  

both are about ~50MB each, so id have to upload it to somewhere to transfer

2019-12-03 15:52:35 UTC  

both come from the monroe institute's brand for binural beats called hemi sync, they lead a lot of the tech for binural beats and i stand by their products

2019-12-04 10:26:29 UTC  

I woke up in the dream and as I see the sky I see a flood of light in the shape of a cross — but not a cross I had ever seen before. It's like the current cross, the gnostic one AND an unknown one had a baby. I was scared by this. But besides that I don't remember anything after.

Also, the day before I had a bizarre dream where I found Anthony fantano in eastern Europe and as I went further into the cold jungle which they have I became possesed. In the dream after all had happened people were telling me I was acting strange

2019-12-04 10:27:06 UTC  

A little help with sorting out this dream and the one before

2019-12-04 10:27:20 UTC  

would be greatly appreciated

hmm.. well, i thought i'd share, since is the most vivid one i had ever experienced.
I was in a hallway, a normal one. I had 3 coins in my left hand. In a split second, i was chocking on those 3 coins. I could feel them stuck in my throat. But i wasn't choking. I was...breathing, with them in my neck. Again in a split second I'm in a dark room with random furniture. I wasn't alone, there was someone else in the dark. I couldn's see who. Then, i dropped those 3 coins on the floor, in a manner of losing them. This..thing went and tried to grab those 3 coins. But it couldn't. I was faster. Everytime. Mind you this happened a few times in a row.Can't say an exact number. Everytime i grabbed the coins and i had them safely in my hands, everything would reset and same thing would happen again. And then i woke up.
Some help with this dream would be highly appreciated.

2019-12-04 10:31:06 UTC  

Perhaps Is related to your work life

i don't have a job.

2019-12-04 10:32:03 UTC  

Never said you did

2019-12-04 10:32:31 UTC  

Even when you don't have a job implicitly have a "work life"