Message from @Bearer Of The Curse
Discord ID: 532614455595630642
I know Niger + a G is filtered
The only word filtered makes people think that cursing is banned. Epic. Kneeggers btfo
Awww gopher ws here?
i know em
Isn't he Mormon?
Either Mormon or Gnostic
Whichever is worse
Can someone who plays League of Legends snapshot their system resources mid game and show me how much ram it uses?
This is for a virtual machine
i don't own league of legends
but i'd say 4GB is around where you'd want it
anything less and games older than 2005 begin to slow down
Reminder to uninstall the hidden file if you ever played War Thunder
anyone play PUBG
any one play BF 5?
@Deleted User EA told me not to buy the game
lol yea
Im glad they lost big time
but im sad
Im battle field veteran
To see them go down that direction makes me sick to my stomach
Stop playing video games
Besides fallout NV
Virgin indeed, the best Fallout is Fallout 2
fallout is for virgins
stalker too
metro and stalker is for chads
fallout is for borneoβs
borneo's > metro-sexuals
fallout is for malaysians
fuck malaysia