Message from @Milan
Discord ID: 544671260353757184
I have a spare gtx 960 laying around, which isn't the greatest card, but it would be useful if for whatever reason I needed to switch to an nvidia card (not very likely)
I can't afford any of the parts for it right now, but
It would be a nice workstation/gaming desktop, and I would never have to worry about running anything in wine if I wanted to use Linux as my main os
Me too
I need to get a job
Probably just going to work at Arby's or something
I've been in fast food for around two years now. I'm about to get out of it for a better job.
I'm warning you: It's fucking awful
Yeah, but I'd rather do that then mow lawns
That's about the only choice of income that I have currently
I have worked 2 jobs, both in food
fucking hated it
you a beggar now?
no im in college
I've already got $500 saved up
I'm 15
I'm 20
Get a job in retail if you can, the experience also transfers over to customer service jobs
which often require retail experience
or sales
which is retail
many blacks come to serbia
and foreiginers
for cheap educaton
i saw thicc black dudes 3 days ago
fast food jobs are the worst and your money runs dry real fast
It's the only place that's hiring 15 year olds
Also I could be a counselor at summer camp, but the pay is shit and I'd have to stay out at camp for a couple months
Some retard threatened to punch me in the face at my first job because he was triggered over something a different manager said to him (she told him to quit because he kept whining about being in a position he didn't want, even though it was easy as shit)
He had walked out the day before and showed up to work
He then started acting like a retard
And a different manager "fired" him, but he was back an hour later
and guess what
I was doing this dumbass's job
I was so mad
>worked at some resturant as a bus boy
>then worked at roy rogers as a drive thru guy