Message from @roblox pro
Discord ID: 544671084738379779
building this pc is going to make me nut
Cheaper than the PC I want
but that's because I want one with two graphics cards
I want one with dual RX 580s and a Ryzen 7 2700x with 16gb of ram
Reason being, I want to run windows in a virtual machine on a different monitor
I have a spare gtx 960 laying around, which isn't the greatest card, but it would be useful if for whatever reason I needed to switch to an nvidia card (not very likely)
I can't afford any of the parts for it right now, but
It would be a nice workstation/gaming desktop, and I would never have to worry about running anything in wine if I wanted to use Linux as my main os
Me too
I need to get a job
Probably just going to work at Arby's or something
I've been in fast food for around two years now. I'm about to get out of it for a better job.
I'm warning you: It's fucking awful
Yeah, but I'd rather do that then mow lawns
That's about the only choice of income that I have currently
I have worked 2 jobs, both in food
fucking hated it
you a beggar now?
no im in college
I'm 15
I'm 20
Get a job in retail if you can, the experience also transfers over to customer service jobs
which often require retail experience
in Serbia one year of college costs 1,000$
or sales
which is retail
many blacks come to serbia
and foreiginers
for cheap educaton
i saw thicc black dudes 3 days ago
fast food jobs are the worst and your money runs dry real fast
It's the only place that's hiring 15 year olds
Also I could be a counselor at summer camp, but the pay is shit and I'd have to stay out at camp for a couple months
Some retard threatened to punch me in the face at my first job because he was triggered over something a different manager said to him (she told him to quit because he kept whining about being in a position he didn't want, even though it was easy as shit)
He had walked out the day before and showed up to work
He then started acting like a retard